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Messages posted by: MikeWest
Forum Index » Profile for MikeWest » Messages posted by MikeWest
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After removing @ before mail on line 330, I got this error:-

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html. in D:\Hosting\2704005\html\comments\lib\add.class.php on line 330

I checked the web page, it talks about bare LFs, ie line feed characters with no preceeding CR carriage return character.

So I changed line 330 from:-

@mail($this->db->VARS["admin_mail"],$this->db->LANG["EmailAdminSubject"],"$this->name\n$this->host\n\n$this->comment", "From: $from_email\nX-Mailer: Advanced Guestbook 2");


@mail($this->db->VARS["admin_mail"],$this->db->LANG["EmailAdminSubject"],"$this->name\r\n$this->host\r\n\r\n$this->comment", "From: $from_email\nX-Mailer: Advanced Guestbook 2");

Note the added \r. Line 327 needs amending likewise for private messages. Thanks for your help Carbonize. Mike.
There is only one email address in general settings which is correct. I assume this is the one being used? I also put the same email address in config.inc.php for field $TEC_MAIL just in case. I also checked spam folders, nothing there.

I see in add.class.php at line 330 the @mail() method is called to send admin an email. The last parameter reads "From: $from_email\nX-Mailer: Advanced Guestbook 2". This differs from line 333, where the guest email is sent, which reads "From: ".$this->db->VARS['admin_mail']."\nX-Mailer: Advanced Guestbook 2", ie $from_email in the former is inside quotes - is this correct? I don't know PHP, but it looks wrong.
Thanks, that was the answer. Now if I could only get the webmaster email working as well, any ideas?
Do you know which file? Body came through as expected, only subject needs change.
I spoke too soon. I am now getting a thank you email to the guest, but still not to the webmaster. Any ideas?

Also the subject on the email to the guest still says "Thank you for signing the guestbook" even though I changed the general setting and got the change in the message body!
Yes I tried making a post after checking the general option to send a thank you email to guest. I see in the general options it mentions sendmail. I'm using a shared windows host on godaddy.com. Will that have sendmail, or is sendmail only linux? Thanks, Mike.
I am not getting emails for new guestbook posts. I have set the email address in general settings and checked the "send e-mail to webmaster" option. I also tried editing the config.inc.php field $TEC_MAIL.

I've tried the email address on the same domain as agb and also my hotmail address.

I notice in general settings it says an email process must be properly configured. How do I check this?

Thanks, Mike.
I renamed my directory and changed the $GB_PG["base_url"] in the config.inc.php file. Now all the images are missing. Is the directory name held somewhere else? Thanks Mike.

PS I renamed it back and images appear. I would still like to rename the directory though.

PPS Please ignore this post. I repeated the rename and now it works OK. Sorry to waste anyone's time looking at this.
Forum Index » Profile for MikeWest » Messages posted by MikeWest
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