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Messages posted by: Plague1001
Forum Index » Profile for Plague1001 » Messages posted by Plague1001
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the email address only changed every now and then. for the most part it is the same. I would like to be able to ban the address just like the IP ban works to at least slow down the spammer a little bit.

I was asking for feature add possibility.
Hi, I did a few searches and found that this hasn't coming up or at least isn't searchable by "ban by email address"

I have someone spamming my guestbook, and they are using the same gmail.com address everytime(or very similar), but the IP address is changing everytime, so I can't seem to block them from posting.

Would it be possible to add ban by email address to the guestbook admin?
So the Subject is pretty much the question... I have read the admin panel, it says that the feature will work if the email is configured correctly. I went through the config files and pretty much all of the php files that would relate to email and I can't figure out what email server it is trying to use, but I never receive emails when someone signs my guestbook.

If you need any information from my files, let me know and I will post it up for you to see.

Forum Index » Profile for Plague1001 » Messages posted by Plague1001
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