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Messages posted by: katco
Forum Index » Profile for katco » Messages posted by katco
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Thanks again Carbonize. This worked perfectly and I am happy to say that the guestbook is working again.
Thank you so much! I have not had a chance to use it yet but wanted you to know I got it and appreciate it!
Thanks Carbonize, I hope he has this, otherwise I guess I am out of luck. I'll check back here in a little while.
Thank you for the reply and help. But I do not see any script in the misc folder that says anything about upgrade. (or any other folder either). Am I missing something?
Hi... I have been using this script forever it seems but all of a sudden I am getting errors when people type in the image verification. So I thought I would try to turn that off but i cannot find anywhere to turn it off (not that I really want it off but at least it would get it working again).

I am running 2.3.1 so I thought maybe upgrading it would do the trick but I don't really see any upgrade instructions? Plus I always worry about upgrading a broken script, seems like it would be better to fix it first?

Anyway, if there is anyone out there who might be able to help me get my guestbook working again, I would really appreciate it!
Forum Index » Profile for katco » Messages posted by katco
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