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Messages posted by: Hawk the slayer
Forum Index » Profile for Hawk the slayer » Messages posted by Hawk the slayer
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Problem solved!!! I want to publicly thank Carbonize for helping me fix this problem by sending me a file via email. Thanks Carbonize, you are the very best!

My host provider recently changed a lot of things and moved to another location. I had quite a few problems afterwards, but now have most of them sorted out, though there is one to do with Advanced Guestbook 2.3.1 (PHP/MySQL) Copyright (c)2001.

The book_auth table is empty, therefore I cannot login to Admin. The tables in it are there like ID, username, password etc, but they are empty. My knowledge of SQL is not good enough to re-enter the information required. Though I can access it via phpadmin.

I tried using reset.php and it reported it had done the job, but unfortunately it hadn't because the tables were still empty. I then used the forget_pass.php script with the same result. I have no idea what to do next. Can anyone help please and try to keep it simple?

I don't want to lose the comments I have going back years by reinstalling if it can be avoided.

Forum Index » Profile for Hawk the slayer » Messages posted by Hawk the slayer
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