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Guestbook-Problem with submit and preview  XML
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Hi! I have following problem
When i want to submit or preview the entry, the program loasds the "addentry.php" (this can be seen in the browser at the bottom) , and nothing happens. The screen shows the fill - in form (where I already have written something)
When i go to view the entries, it is empty, or in other words, the entry is not safed to the database. I think , i have configured well, but what can be wrong?? Please help me! I haven't changed nothing. Can there something be wrong with the variables, or is it sure that the problem is in the database that i have created!!

Plese help me!
Greets from Austria,

:o i have exactly the same problem...
maybe because my server is at www.free.fr
which doesn't accept some functions... (CHMOD 777 for example..)

check out WWW.ARMVR.FR.ST

I'm sure this depends on the server's php configuration

I am with free too. Is it because of that or is there something else to do ?

I'm having the same problem but I'm using a service which isnt free.

I had AG 2.2 installed and it worked fine but 2.3 produces the problems discussed above.

Gotta be an error in the scripts somewhere !!

I have the smae problem with version 2.3. I can not get it working right..

Can somebody help us out please??

Greetz Mollie

Joined: 03/03/2002 19:58:44
Messages: 1
Location: France

As lot of you, i got the same problem, and i've search a day to become operational this great guestbook (thank to the author).

I hate such situation when a solution run on my computer but not on my online host: i'm at www.free.fr.

So i've search and found a solution, but i can't explain why. So if someone can give me a response, i 'll greatly appreciate it

Resume my solution :
In the folder \templates, you should remove at line 72 of file form.php option enctype="multipart/form-data" in the <form> tag.

Content of line before
<form method="post" action="$GB_PG[addentry]" name="book" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return checkForm()">

Content of line after
<form method="post" action="$GB_PG[addentry]" name="book" onsubmit="return checkForm()">

What language do you use? I had these problems with my swedish translation.

I discovered that if you use OEM convertion (&auml; instead of ä) in your language file for the entries $LANG["FormSubmit"] and $LANG["FormPreview"], you can't submit or preview.

So my suggestion is that you try with a word without special characters, or that you skip the OEM convertion. That is try with "Förhandsgranska" instead of "F&ouml;rhandsgranska"

Hope this help

Joined: 19/05/2002 19:44:50
Messages: 3
Location: Las Vegas Nevada U.S.A.

It worked fine under RedHat Linux 7.1 then I upgraded to 7.3 and now it doesn't work.
MySQL version 3.23.49
PHP Version 4.1.2

Thanks alot Farell, your solution worked for me

Joined: 19/05/2002 19:44:50
Messages: 3
Location: Las Vegas Nevada U.S.A.

Thanks a LOT Farell, your solution worked for me too! :D

No pictures or e-mail though?????

I was pulling my hair out - tried everything but no joy.

However, your solution has solved it!!!


Fixed mine too!!!

Good Job!!!

Hey buddy thanks a lot....its also worked for me!
You are a life saver! I wonder why no body is here to help us before!
So does it has any effect on the guest book? I mean removing that line will have any effect on other features of guestbook?

I had the same problem with coolfreepage.com, no any more
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