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modifying advanced guestbook  XML
Forum Index » Support Forum
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i've got the guestbook up and running find but what i'm trying to do is insert my site's global navigation as an include in the header.php file......however it seems no matter how i write the code it won't include it, but if i hardcode the nav. in html and insert it ... it works fine......maybe i'm coding the include incorrectly??? help please

Joined: 25/01/2002 11:51:56
Messages: 6
Location: Manchester, UK

you might find that you'll have to upload
(the file you need to include)
in the same folder
as the rest of the tmpl files
because some servers are set up
not to allow includes from different directories
in which case you make a copy of your nav file
and upload it with the rest



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Please read my post http://www.proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1369

Don't use the guestbook templates at all. Strip them clean. Then place your your global template info around the index.php, comment.php and addentry.php

as for admin.php, you can modify the template through the admin page.
You will modify adminentry.php

All your includes will execute properly through those three main scripts.

I also found that guestbook runs significantly faster when using your templates and includes in the actual scripts vs. the admin templates
The admin templates have to be hard coded everytime menus and content change on your site and you can not use includes to global headers and footers.

Templates will not parse anything.

if you have any questions........I'll be hanging around

Here is partial example of how you must code the main files.

Remember to always escape (useing the \ before all " ) html in scripts..

echo is for echo printing html, must start with echo " and end with ";
all html within echo statements must be escaped

hope all this makes sence

How about a working example?

sure, but you will have to go to the front of the site to get into the guestbook because I have a php referal check on the guestbook in an effort to stop spam spiders. It seems to be working too. Stops em dead in their tracks. When they add pages to be spammed they go in through the front of the site, find the guestbook, and add it. The spam spider access the guestbook directly, but that is where it stops on the referal access denied.


You can look at the guestbook, but all I ask is that you don't sign it as it is an alumni website.


yo jared....i understand what you mean.....i'm just unclear on how to do it exactly......can you give a lil more details or email me the code to yours so i can see what you did.....

pyrohavoc wrote:yo jared....i understand what you mean.....i'm just unclear on how to do it exactly......can you give a lil more details or email me the code to yours so i can see what you did.....

email me from my website using the contact form. I check it everyday.

Just don't want to post an email here.......might get a ton of spam

click on that guestbook link above

Then I will send you all the files.
I have also been working on the yahoo instant messenger field. Still testing it.


I run a phpBB forum and would like to use the Advanced Guestbook found here.
Could you please advise how I can place the overall_header and overall_footer around the guestbook.


Sure, just email me using my contact form at http://www.avianosaints.com and I will send you all my files. I will comment what goes where. takes a person less than 5 mins, and then the guestbook will be global template compatable.

Jared wrote:Sure, just email me using my contact form at http://www.avianosaints.com and I will send you all my files. I will comment what goes where. takes a person less than 5 mins, and then the guestbook will be global template compatable.

Have sent an e-mail with my address


yo jared....thanks man your files really helped...i didn't scrap the original files like you suggested because the way my site is layed out the original layout of the gb fit in nicely........one more problem......i want to enclose the gb within another table to keep it uniform with my site.....is there a simple way to edit the table that it already uses or is it easier to make a new table and enclose the gb??? if i make a new one where should i put the code and if not where is the code i need to edit???


jared......again much thanks man.....i feel stupid now though cuz there was already a way to do what i just asked through the admin panel.....anyway i appreciate the help....i'll post a link soon for you to see my site when i'm completely done (yea right......we all know a website is never done )

ok jared i've got a new one for you but i'm gonna start a new thread in the support forum as this one is getting rather long so keep your eyes peeled for it



I just download the advance guestbook, i am having the same problem and desperately need your help too.
May I email you too?
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