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Daily Counter does not reset  XML
Forum Index » Support Forum
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My daily counter was working great for about a month, but as of 4 days ago the counter never reset to 0 at midnight. Now it simply keeps adding up the user visits day after day. Nothing has chanaged on the website... I'm wondering if it's related to my hosting company.. maybe the clock on their server is screwed up or something. Does anyone know what may have caused this??

The counter is located at http://www.goetzefamily.com
it's in the lower left hand corner.


Mark wrote:My daily counter was working great for about a month, but as of 4 days ago the counter never reset to 0 at midnight. Now it simply keeps adding up the user visits day after day. Nothing has chanaged on the website... I'm wondering if it's related to my hosting company.. maybe the clock on their server is screwed up or something. Does anyone know what may have caused this??

The counter is located at http://www.goetzefamily.com
it's in the lower left hand corner.


Did you ever receive any help with this problem?
I'm having the same trouble.

Joined: 23/09/2005 09:47:53
Messages: 3

Lets bump the thread cause I've the same problem.

Total Visits
Visitors today: 1207

From the top right corner. Is this is a daily counter 1.1? How can I make my one display this way cause this is what my counter displaying

Fri, 23 September 2005

Total Visits Today: 758

Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

You obviously used search but stuffed if I know what you searched for but try http://proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4696 which is a thread entitled Daily Counter not resetting back to zero on new day.

Having looked at that I will try and fix the second problem that I forgot about.

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