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Joined: 21/04/2003 09:13:40
Messages: 4

I am very new on this and I need to know how to customize the advance guestbook.
anybosy can help me?

so do i!

Joined: 26/04/2003 02:49:08
Messages: 4
Location: Buffalo, NY

What do you want to change?

webmaster at:
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read all the messages that have been posted on this subject several hundred times. You can learn how to customize the guestbook, modify it, and do all sorts of wonderful things.

as a newby, your first lesson will be: read previous posts first before asking questions

Anonymous wrote:Hi.

read all the messages that have been posted on this subject several hundred times. You can learn how to customize the guestbook, modify it, and do all sorts of wonderful things.

as a newby, your first lesson will be: read previous posts first before asking questions

to the person that wote this: get off your high horse and help some one.

Matias wrote:I am very new on this and I need to know how to customize the advance guestbook.
anybosy can help me?
i dont know my Administration user name and password how do i find out what it is www.gangsta-inc.net

gangsta boi wrote:
Matias wrote:I am very new on this and I need to know how to customize the advance guestbook.
anybosy can help me?
i dont know my Administration user name and password how do i find out what it is www.gangsta-inc.net

For default, they have said that "test" is admin user name, and "123" is the admin password. These u can change afterwards.

to the person that wote this: get off your high horse and help some one

bottom line........don't be fricken lazy.

why would anyone want to keep on posting the same answers over and over and over and over and over again, when they have all been posted several hundred times.........kind of gets old
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