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IM really having trouble with this. WHen I try to get to the admin. page...it say the file is not there?

Below is the setup of my download.pl file:

Here is the error I get:

gives me an internal server error (500)....and this in my error log:

[Fri Apr 23 10:02:18 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/graycr2/public_html/500.shtml
[Fri Apr 23 10:02:18 2004] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/graycr2/public_html/cgi-bin/download.pl

# Top Downloads v2.0 #
# Copyright (c)2000 Chi Kien Uong #
# URL: http://www.proxy2.de #
# #
# This Software is distributed under the GNU General Public #
# License. For more details see license.txt #
# #
# To count a download use: #
# file #
# #
# To show your top xx downloads: #
# http://www.graycrosby.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?job=show&top=xx #
# #
# Administration: #
# http://www.graycrosby.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?admin=enter #
# #

# url to script
$cgiurl = "http://www.graycrosby.com/cgi-bin/files/download.pl";

# url to the image files without trailing "/"
$base_gif = "http://www.graycrosby.com/gif";

# administration password - should not contain '&','=' and "
$admin_pass = "pass123";

# file locking ($lock=0 for Win32!);
$lock = 1;

# check http referer 0=no 1=yes;
$check = 0;

# log files
$basedat = "log.txt";
$daylog = "daylog.txt";
$stats = "download_stats.txt";

# base url to the downloads without trailing "/" (use for scanning)
$base_url = "http://www.graycrosby.com/downloads";

# path to the downloads from the server root! (use for scanning)
$base_dir = "/home/www/graycr2/public_html/downloads";

$back_img = "$base_gif/texture1.gif"; # url of background image
$bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; # background color
$table_width = 560; # width of hole table
$table_text = 250; # width reserve for the file description
$table_bg = "#F7F7F7"; # table background color
$table_top = "#E1A8A8"; # top table background color
$font_size = "8pt"; # font size
$show_default = 15; # 10=TOP_10 20=TOP_20,etc.
$bar_image_height =10;
$max_day = 28;
$max_bar_height = 180;

%scan = (

zip => '*.zip',
gz => '*.gz',
exe => '*.exe',
mp3 => '*.mp3',
pdf => '*.pdf',
avi => '*.avi'


# End Setup

I have The same Problem like above. I saw Katy had fixed This Problem ( http://www.graycrosby.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?job=show&top=15)
....but HOW ?

I also need HLP THX 4 Reply!

Joined: 05/06/2004 04:20:41
Messages: 23

sKay wrote: I have The same Problem like above. I saw Katy had fixed This Problem ( http://www.graycrosby.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?job=show&top=15)
....but HOW ?

I also need HLP THX 4 Reply!

the problem is how you uplaoded it.. I know.. I had the same trouble... you have to check how your files were uplaoded and also check in the directory as the default makes it one level deeper than it is

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Joined: 31/07/2004 22:43:08
Messages: 8

You havent change the FIRST URL address in this to your own!

The script is still trying to link back to www.proxy2

The one at the top!

Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053

freddie wrote:You havent change the FIRST URL address in this to your own!

The script is still trying to link back to www.proxy2

The one at the top!

small note any line beginning with a # is commented out.

_ Auron

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