Thank you for bumping this. I found the answer to what was driving me crazy and can feel my sanity returning.
I am the culmination of one man's dream. This is not ego or vanity but when Dr. Soong created me he added to the substance of the universe. If...I am destroyed something unique, something wonderful will be lost.
Lt. Cmdr. Data - The Measure of a Man
I was recently hacked by - guestbook data entirely wiped out but I always keep regular backups.
Hacker came directly to the guestbook from Google with keyword phrase powered by Guestbook 2.2 - just to let you know, I've never had the html enabled - but the gb was still swiped
It is a comfort to be able to check in here to find the solutions. You all are the bestest!!!
03/01/2005 10:34:58
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
I take it you have now patched the login exploit that plagues version 2.2?
Carbonize I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook
I have it fixed - and just to be safe, have moved the gb outta the Google path into a new directory and left a mockup version on the old path in the event the individual feels the need to try again.... After going to Google and typing in that keyword phrase, I see that tons and tons of people are hacked - some pretty nasty stuff out there
The only reason I caught it so quickly is because of an error alert that I got when s/he typed in the word "admin.php" incorrectly - The error log picked it up and sent me a notice. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known for a few days (or more) Yeesh!!!