First of all; excuse me for being really simple! I am only a part time, self taught webmaster (although I think the title may be a little overrated for me!) I have installed guestbook using my cpanel, then I copied the files onto my server & renamed the index.htm (as I already have one) to Guestbook.htm. I am using frontpage so I put the renamed page into the navigation and joy of joys there it is on my website where it should be. However I added comment to test the guestbook and it will only show if i go into admin, look at the comment and then return to guestbook. I've obviously done something wrong. Can somebody please help me. I have searched the forum but I have to say I dont really understand any of the posts relating to the guestbook.
Please help, please keep it simple.
Thanks very much in advance for your time.
25/01/2005 13:15:05
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
If we are talking about Advanced guestbook then the file needs to be i nthe guestbook folder as to maintain the file structure. Also the page needs to be .php and not .htm.
Carbonize I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook