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Iam a dummy, How can I install addlink  XML
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Joined: 23/05/2005 19:52:03
Messages: 2
Location: Nigeria

Can anybody help me, I want to install addlink on my site, after trying all I got was 500 Internal server error.
[WWW] [Yahoo!]

I experience the same problem - see http://www.kurandanet.com/addlink.html I sent an email to proxy2.de but so far no reply. if I do get some word from them, I shall let you know.
Kind regards

Joined: 07/05/2004 21:13:07
Messages: 586

Maybe re-check everything:

The links.pl file:
[list]Find out if your host requires using .cgi instead of .pl and, if necessary, substitute that extension.

Make sure you have links.pl (or links.cgi) in your official cgi-bin directory that came with your hosting plan and its permissions are set to 755. Also make sure the first line of that file has the correct path to Perl. Usually /usr/bin/perl, but yours might be different. Check with your host, or it may be shown in CPanel.

Change the info on lines 17 thru 27 in the links.pl (or links.cgi) file to match your site info. Instead of "localhost" use the exact address:

Change the password on line 33 to whatever you want:

All of the other files should be in their own directory called links.

In addlink.html, change line 93 to show the correct location for your links.pl (or links.cgi) file. Again, use the exact address instead of "localhost":

If you still get errors, check to make sure all files were uploaded. Maybe check server logs.

I have installed the free links on 3 websites. It seems the first time I got the 500 error because of "localhost." Changing to the exact address solved the problem.

Some spammers abuse these free link pages. Suggest you exclude them from the search engines. I also changed the page names to remove "ffa."

Hope this info helps.
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