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I cannot login as admin  XML
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Joined: 24/10/2005 08:17:54
Messages: 6

I'm using a Mac OSX host and everything was great. Suddenly I cannot get past the login window for admin and all the polls don't respond when submitted. I can display polls so I know the database connection is working.

Is there some javascript call that is out of date or a permission problem? I can't believe others are not also having this problem. I have installed on three other computers and they all don't respond. It looks like it is on the server side instead of the client. I've tried to login on PCs as well as Macs.

Error seems to be the poll id is not found or has been disabled?

I really like this software but will have to move to Voting Script if I can't find the problem. I can fix code if I know where to look or where the problem is.

I really want to stay with this so any help would be appreciated.

Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

Are you using MySQL version or text version of Advanced Poll.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

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Joined: 24/10/2005 08:17:54
Messages: 6

The connection to the database seems to be ok because I can have polls called up to take and view but after the poll is up the vote doesn't seem to make it to the database (I think I get the error that the ID can't be found or poll is disabled). When I view the poll and click on the comment button I get the error explicitly.

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