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Poll ID does not exist  XML
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Joined: 16/11/2005 19:31:40
Messages: 3

I installed Advanced Poll 2.03 MySql.

Installation goes fine without problems.

I use it with SSI against demo 5.

Poll shows fine, but when i vote it say "Poll ID does not exist", but it exist in MySQl.

Previev results template show results fine...

What is wrong??

Joined: 21/11/2005 05:35:52
Messages: 2
Location: USA

I get the same error.

If you find a solution please post it. Have you ever used Advanced Poll?

I tried to change the poll_id table but i can't. I'm at a lost myself.

Joined: 16/11/2005 19:31:40
Messages: 3

i noticed that when the poll is in same directory as the script, it works, but this is not the solution. SSI must work in what ever directoy. Can somebody solve this problem...

Joined: 21/11/2005 05:35:52
Messages: 2
Location: USA

If your Poll ID starts with a number other than 1 you need to update the poll table that stores the ID. You just need touse an UPDATE statement on the table.

Joined: 16/11/2005 19:31:40
Messages: 3

It did not work.

It only work in same directory as the script.

Joined: 24/10/2005 08:17:54
Messages: 6

I get the same error on polls that used to work. Now I can't even log in as admin. I'm running on OSX Tiger and wonder if this is a new security issue with php files that are no longer given permission to the AdvPoll calls. I can still call up a poll (using db) but the poll no longer updates the database and no longer sends back the poll view. I can however call for the view directly from the db and it shows fine?? Anyone else have this problem? I'm having to covert everything to Convert Script (flat file -- ugh!) because I just can't seem to find what was changed. I don't want to mess with the php files unless I have to.
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