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Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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Joined: 21/03/2006 21:19:59
Messages: 16

Hello all,

I just installed the guestbook succesfully but....

I set up the standard language as Dutch, but my visitors are from all over the world.. and they don't speak Dutch that well!

The best solution is to make it possible that the visitor of the guestbook can switch language. How can this be done?

Or is there another way?

Joined: 08/05/2004 21:52:50
Messages: 529
Location: Arkansas

This is not possible at this time.

LINK-> Use Lazarus Guestbook
[WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN]

Joined: 21/03/2006 21:19:59
Messages: 16

In that case....

How can I add another translation?

So I can add a "combined language": dutch and englisch at the same time on screen.

It should look something about this:

gebruikersnaam / username: ....................
paswoord / password: ....................

In the lang-directory there are two kinds of files: codes-dutch.php and dutch.php (for every language). Is it enough to add those the two files with the "new" translation in this directory?

Joined: 21/03/2006 21:19:59
Messages: 16

As I was clicking the submit button I realized that there is another possibility:

Is it possible to make two installations and let them both point to the same database?

Joined: 21/03/2006 21:19:59
Messages: 16

Since I have nothing to do....

I made two files: codes-dutchenglish.php and dutchenglish.php and uploaded them to the correct directory.

It works, and my guestbook is now in dutch and english in the same time.

It's not the most elegant solution, but it works.....

In test mode, the next step is to migrate the data from my old guestbook (viper) into this one....
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