Joined: 07/09/2006 09:02:49
Messages: 9
Location: Virginia USA
I just upgraded from version 2.3.3 to 2.4.3. I am employing hotlink protection using the .htaccess file to help deter Spam Bots and Content nabbers. To access my guestbook, one must navigate through my home page to reach it as my .htaccess file prevents linking directly to it. The .htaccess file prevents going directly to php, jpeg and other types of files. SPAM Bots typically attempt to link directly to the addentry page. My .htaccess file prevents them from doing just that.
However, with both versions I am getting a redirect after the guestbook is signed. After the default 5 second pause following signing the guestbook, the visitor receives a redirect instead of being returned to the guestbook.
It appears that the visitor's browser is being redirected to the guestbook, but the .htaccess is configured to prevent direct linking to the guestbook/php files. The only place I can find reference to the guestbook URL is in the /admin/ file. Perhaps if I could find the file from which the visitor is actually being redirected.
Any suggestions, ideas? Thanks.
Think globally, Act locally
23/07/2007 16:11:57
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
Carbonize I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook
Joined: 07/09/2006 09:02:49
Messages: 9
Location: Virginia USA
Carbonize wrote:inc/add.class.php.
Thanks Carbonize. And thank you for all that you do. The Human Verification Procedure mod prior to CAPTCHA being added and the feedback you have posted has been simply priceless. In short, where would we AGB admins be without you?