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#  Username   Private Message   E-mail   From   Registration date   Messages 
69 redmax   20/02/2002 08:13:44 0
68 coopercentral [Email] Rochester, NY USA 19/02/2002 20:58:09 3
67 Bico_Fino [Email] 19/02/2002 14:09:31 3
66 Sam [Email] United Kingdom 18/02/2002 20:21:49 1
65 duxtra   Colorado 18/02/2002 00:08:32 3
64 ThinkinOne   17/02/2002 11:07:46 2
63 matzy   16/02/2002 16:22:41 0
62 jlau   16/02/2002 00:22:43 1
61 tgelston   15/02/2002 22:13:02 1
60 sri   14/02/2002 07:38:32 0
59 spunkth   13/02/2002 21:25:33 0
58 koPa   Austria 13/02/2002 20:41:30 0
57 Thomas   13/02/2002 19:29:18 0
56 tcjay   13/02/2002 19:26:25 6
54 MadArab   Las Vegas 13/02/2002 03:58:43 1
53 urjb   12/02/2002 14:26:44 0
52 Armyrulz30   http://cnczone.sector31.net 12/02/2002 06:42:00 1
51 Goldenore   12/02/2002 04:12:48 1
50 prosto_mike   11/02/2002 22:39:32 1
48 Gusti   11/02/2002 20:57:18 1
47 helheste [Email] belgica 11/02/2002 13:03:41 1
46 Hansolo   10/02/2002 16:51:10 5
45 RobinFMG   10/02/2002 16:14:03 0
44 thebrig [Email] Scotland 09/02/2002 17:56:37 5
43 Q1X9   07/02/2002 18:45:23 1
42 sikter   07/02/2002 18:08:48 2
41 gabana   Germany 06/02/2002 15:54:55 0
40 Evandro Luiz Amaral   06/02/2002 13:06:30 0
38 Signiweb Web-Designers   04/02/2002 00:09:15 0
35 aronk   01/02/2002 07:13:45 4
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