Demo 1 Demo 2 Demo 3 Demo 4 Demo 5

/* Include this before your html code */


/* path */
$poll_path = dirname(__FILE__);

require_once $poll_path."/include/";
require_once $poll_path."/include/$POLLDB[class]";
require_once $poll_path."/include/class_poll.php";
require_once $poll_path."/include/class_pollcomment.php";
require_once $poll_path."/include/class_captchatest.php";
$CLASS["db"] = new polldb_sql;

$php_poll = new pollcomment();

/* question */
echo $php_poll->get_poll_question(2);

/* poll */
echo $php_poll->poll_process(2);

/* construct the form */
    "name" => "Please enter your name.",
// "email" => "You must specify your e-mail address.",
    "message" => "You must specify a message."
    "captcha" => "You must specify the correct key."
$html_form = $php_poll->comment_process(2);

/* poll comments */
$php_poll->set_date_format("d/m/Y H:i");
echo $php_poll->view_poll_comments(2);
echo $php_poll->get_comment_pages(2);

/* form */
echo $html_form;


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