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To show a more detailed evaluation of OS's and Browsers, change the code in stat.pl from:


Thank you for the Windows ME code. I've been wanting that for a while. I have been trying to work with the Mozilla 5.0 browser issue but can't seem to figure it out. Is there a way to separate the different Moz 5 browsers (Phoenix, Netscape 6 or 7, Chimera, different releases of Mozilla, etc..)?

Anonymous wrote:Is there a way to separate the different Moz 5 browsers (Phoenix, Netscape 6 or 7, Chimera, different releases of Mozilla, etc..)?

Not sure yet, I'll post back when I work it out

For Netscape 7 add between the code:



Thanks again.

I was able to work with that a bit and add one for the Phoenix browser since it shows up in the logs the same (I don't have a Mac so I'm not sure how Chimera shows up). I would like to know how to get the decimal version number to show up instead of just the first digit. (IE 5.5 just shows up as 5, or Phoenix 0.4 just shows up as 0, etc.)

Ok, I figured it out. To get full version numbers counted:

For Netscape 7:
Replace the above code for Netscape 7 with the following:

For Internet Explorer:
Replace the above code for IE with the following:

For Mozilla:
Replace the above code for Mozilla 5 with the following:

For previous releases of Netscape Navigator:
Replace the above code for Netscape Navigator with the following:

To add the Phoenix browser:

That should do it.

Next: How can I add screen resolution and screen depth to the stats? I got only as far as the log.pl being able to write the info into the logs. Stats.pl crashes when trying to read the logs. I added the two extra parameters into the stats.pl file. That's as far as it will go. Any ideas?

How can I add screen resolution and screen depth to the stats?

I wish I knew - it'd be in there like a shot!

I'll have to post my mod for individual page counting. I have to figure out how I did it though. I've been using the mod for over a year.

Netscape 6 needs it's own code. Put the following under the Netscape 7 code above:

Still need help with screen resolution mod.

Here's my mod for individual page counting.

Add a variable for each domain name pointing to your site. In my case I have two so I had to add two variables somewhere near the top of stat.pl. Preferably before the $cgiurl variable. Like so:

Under Misc Configurations add the following after $top_host:

After the country list and before sub parse_form a list of subroutines appears. After &http_ref and before &html_footer add the following line:

Next you need to have the logfile parser be made aware of its existence. Replace your sub parse_log with the following (stop just before $total_agent):

Find sub sort_ref further down. Add the following after it:

Next find sub http_ref. This prints the HTML for you to see your referrals. You need to add the following to see your sorted page list (change the HTML to whatever you desire):

We're done with stat.pl. Now the log.pl file needs to write the page into the logfiles. Inside log.pl find sub write_log and find open(DATA,">>$logdat"). Under that change the line print DATA to the following:

That's it for log.pl. The javascript on each page needs to be changed as well. Here it is (put it on every page you want to keep track of):

That should do it. I'm not a programmer so if it can be done more efficiently, please correct me.

Try EZSTATPG - Easy Access Stats Page Maker
and do all the code mods to ezstatvu.pl
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