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![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/08/2005 22:29:12
I installed the poll with Cpanel but what do i have to do now? :s
I really don't know
With php code do i have to add? How do I configer the ip-logging? ...?
Thank u very much!
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 02/08/2005 22:37:12
i copied this code
I've cut some pieces
But it is enough?
What do i have to do with this code:
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/08/2005 06:22:33
Joined: 07/05/2004 21:13:07
Messages: 586
Reading this post may be of some help:
You need to create a poll in your Poll Admin Panel and then put the codes in whichever of your website's pages that you want to include a poll. If you want the poll to appear on your home page, add the codes to your index file.
Start that page with the poll cookie code:
Just like it says, this code goes before the <html> at the beginning of your document.
Then wherever in the document that you want the poll to appear, you add the poll code. You can get the poll code from your Poll Admin Panel by clicking on "Help". Example:
In the poll code, change x to the poll number:
It will also give you the code to display random polls or the latest poll.
Save the file with a .php extension or search this forum if you want instructions for .html or .shtml.
Search this forum for instructions and you will find lots of posts. Use this search string:
poll AND instructions
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/08/2005 12:44:03
I did it but i get this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class polldb_sql in /home/.../public_html/poll/include/class_mysql.php on line 10
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 04/08/2005 02:09:39
Perhaps this post will help. I believe it is saying that "class" is called too many times in your poll code:
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/08/2005 03:07:48
no, i do not understand :s
So what i do:
I make the poll and than i take a look at the pollcode on the demo3 site (http://www.../poll/demo_3.php) I copy that code to my site
Then i get the poll but the error (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class polldb_sql in /../public_html/poll/include/class_mysql.php on line 10
After voting this comes up:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/fireball/public_html/poll/test.php:2) in /home/fireball/public_html/poll/poll_cookie.php on line 21
And what should I do when I want to add the poll to my index page? Wich folders do i have to change in the code?
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/10/2005 03:18:39
Joined: 03/10/2005 03:15:41
Messages: 1
Anonymous wrote:Hello?? HELP! 
Mich did you get it running?
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 03/10/2005 17:57:23
Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053
Mich wrote:Then i get the poll but the error (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class polldb_sql in /../public_html/poll/include/class_mysql.php on line 10
After voting this comes up:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/fireball/public_html/poll/test.php:2) in /home/fireball/public_html/poll/poll_cookie.php on line 21
For the first error there is a way to solve it, can't remember it so search the forums for it, sorry : (.
For the second error, again, you can search for it. But all you have to do is remove any white space before the cookie code and make sure it is the first line in whatever file you put it in.
To get the poll to display on a web page have a look at the demo polls on this site. Or go to the admin section of adv. poll and then the final menu option (far right) this will give you the exact code you need.
Visit my site @
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought) |
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/03/2006 04:39:06
Joined: 05/03/2006 04:34:57
Messages: 2
ok guys. I got everything done and even have my poll installed and working. Heres my problem. When someone hits 'View Results', it takes them to this page.
Notice how all the formatting and design has gone away from the main
I guess basically in a nutshell I need it to go to remain on index.php after someone votes, or when someone hits View Results, and not actually go to footoer.php. Is this possible?
Thank you!!
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 25/05/2006 17:16:19
Joined: 24/05/2006 15:54:31
Messages: 11
Why this error appears to me?
Database error
MySQL Error: Database error
Error number: 1046 No database selected
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 25/05/2006 19:24:30
Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053
son_gokou wrote:Why this error appears to me?
Database error
MySQL Error: Database error
Error number: 1046 No database selected
Start your OWN thread.
Fill in with your database details.
Visit my site @
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought) |
![[Post New]](/forum/templates/html/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 11/10/2007 13:48:43
Joined: 11/10/2007 13:47:30
Messages: 1
what shall I write here?
$poll_path = dirname(__FILE__);