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Archiving polls  XML
Forum Index » Support Forum
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Hi, I'd like to make an archive page with the polls I've had so far, but it seems that if you've voted on one page, you can vote again if the poll is also on another page.

Is there anyway to carry the cookies block over between pages?

(I'm not sure if I'm making sense here...)

The "view results" link doesn't work. It gives a 404 error.

Have a look at http://www.theforeigner-japan.com/polls/ and try the "view results" link. (all polls have been voted in).

Can anyone have any idea why it doesn't work?



Yeah, I fixed the view results link.

There was another javascript that was giving problems...

Still that leaves carrying the "You have already voted" status between different pages with the same poll.

Also, is there a way to "view results" of all polls at the same time?
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