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Changing order of entries?  XML
Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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Joined: 03/06/2010 17:42:37
Messages: 1

Looked in FAQ sticky it not there

Basically i want the first entry to remain at the top, first page (since i made it and i want the guestbook who its for to see it first - i changed it to a birthday book)

Any way of doing this? ive had a look through the files and cant spot the code.

EDIT: found it http://proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4653&highlight=order

although my numbers are wrong but at least my first one is at the top

Joined: 25/09/2010 13:55:46
Messages: 1

Basically i want the first entry to remain at the top, first page (since i made it and i want the guestbook who its for to see it first - i changed it to a birthday book)

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Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

You can reverse the entries so the oldest entries appear first but if you just want a single post to remain first you will have to edit the template and put it in as a fake post.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

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