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Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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Joined: 30/06/2005 10:16:11
Messages: 1

I''m using the advanced guestbook 7 or 8 monds now and I think it is perfect for me.
I have only a little problem right now...When I go to the index page, the server gives me the following error and it shows me no messages...:

1104 The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok

When I try to go to the admin page there is no problem. I can login and change everything. When I delete a message the guestbook is shown. Only when I create a new message it shows me the error again. I hope that someone has a solution for this problem so I don't have to remove any messages...
I have a payed lycos webhosting with enough space...
Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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