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Joined: 02/12/2003 20:00:27
Messages: 2
Location: DC area-USA

I have created a poll for my website, but using the instructions on how to put the code on the page, the feature does not work correctly.

The code I am trying to put on my home page is this:

include_once "/home/preventi/public_html/poll/booth.php";
echo $php_poll->poll_process(4);

However, the words and characters poll_process(4);?>
(in other words, everything after the > sign that follows the -)
show on the page and the poll does not -- I am sure that is not supposed to be!

I have included this code at the top of the page
include_once "/home/preventi/public_html/poll/poll_cookie.php";

Thanks for the help

The url where this is supposed to be working is www.preventionthinktank.org
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Joined: 06/12/2003 00:51:02
Messages: 4
Location: Malmesbury UK

I'm at the same stage, installed everything to server, sign in, create poll - but don't yet understand what code to put in own page to get poll onto own web page. Off to read some more. Good luck.

Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053

change page extension from .htm/.html to .php


Visit my site @ www.ragnaru.com
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought)
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Joined: 02/12/2003 20:00:27
Messages: 2
Location: DC area-USA

Thanks Auron - I tried the suggestion you made and received this error on the page:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `'{'' or `'$'' in /home/preventi/public_html/index.php on line 224

Since I want the poll on the home page, I can't let the error sit for long, so I have moved it now to it's own page at www.preventionthinktank.org/newpoll.php so you can see the issue if you want to.

Do you think the problem might be that I am trying to do this in FrontPage? I have Dreamweaver but have not yet installed or learned it.
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Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053

Is all the poll direcotry stuff the same but the poll has just moved pages right?

And whats on line 224?


Visit my site @ www.ragnaru.com
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought)
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