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PHP question - admin_edit.php in Advanced Poll program  XML
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Joined: 26/02/2006 01:01:52
Messages: 4

It looked like poll_extend() does something similar to what I'm wanting to do. There may be better choices, but what I'm trying to do is create a table with three colunns. The table will conain a list of all active polls where a member has yet to vote.
Column ---- Contains
1 ----- poll title($question),
2 ----- link for the primary member to display the poll,
3 ----- link for the secondary member (typically a spouse) to display the poll

I saw things in poll_extend that I didn't follow, and thought seeing "who" called it might clarify things. One of the things I didn't understand was the call to create_javascript_array(). Anyway, at first I thought it was called in is_valid_poll_id() which, soon brought up additional conufusion.
There may be a better example of how to display the table with the links, but would like to know if the code in is_valid_poll() below line 183 ever executes.

This is most likely a php question - I thought I was starting to understand php, and how the php engine works, until I saw the code in is_valid_poll_id().
I have the latest vesion of Advanced Poll, and wonder if the code after line 183 could ever be executed.
Line 184 is: "if (!isset($poll_id) || !is_valid_poll_id($poll_id)) {"
I included a snippet of lines 174 thru 188 in the php file -poll_extend() was called in line 205.
Is this an error, or can it actually be executed?

Any help would be appreciated.

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