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Unable to post pictures  XML
Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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Joined: 01/02/2006 19:23:12
Messages: 4

I'm running IIS 6.0 on W2K3, and have one problem I can't find a solution to: When signing the guestbook, I've browsed to a picture, filled out the information, and submitted. The post shows, but no pictures (or placeholders) are there. The "public" and "tmp" directories are empty. I've tried this with a number of small jpg and gif files.

I've granted full access NTFS permissions to the public and tmp folders for the IUSR account, but still no luck. Can anyone help me?

/* database settings */

$GB_DB["dbName"] = "guestbook";
$GB_DB["host"] = "localhost";
$GB_DB["user"] = "testuser";
$GB_DB["pass"] = "testuser";

/* tables */

$GB_TBL["data"] = "book_data";
$GB_TBL["auth"] = "book_auth";
$GB_TBL["cfg"] = "book_config";
$GB_TBL["com"] = "book_com";
$GB_TBL["ip"] = "book_ip";
$GB_TBL["words"] = "book_words";
$GB_TBL["ban"] = "book_ban";
$GB_TBL["priv"] = "book_private";
$GB_TBL["smile"] = "book_smilies";
$GB_TBL["pics"] = "book_pics";

/* guestbook pages */

$GB_PG["index"] = "index.php";
$GB_PG["admin"] = "admin.php";
$GB_PG["comment"] = "comment.php";
$GB_PG["addentry"] = "addentry.php";

/* guestbook templates */

$GB_TPL["adm_enter"] = "admin_enter.php";
$GB_TPL["body"] = "body.php";
$GB_TPL["entry"] = "entry.php";
$GB_TPL["error"] = "error.php";
$GB_TPL["form"] = "form.php";
$GB_TPL["preview"] = "preview.php";
$GB_TPL["prev_entry"] = "preview_entry.php";
$GB_TPL["header"] = "header.php";
$GB_TPL["footer"] = "footer.php";
$GB_TPL["icq"] = "icq.php";
$GB_TPL["url"] = "url.php";
$GB_TPL["aim"] = "aim.php";
$GB_TPL["com"] = "com.php";
$GB_TPL["email"] = "email.php";
$GB_TPL["success"] = "success.php";
$GB_TPL["frm_icq"] = "form_icq.php";
$GB_TPL["frm_aim"] = "form_aim.php";
$GB_TPL["frm_gender"] = "form_gender.php";
$GB_TPL["frm_image"] = "form_image.php";
$GB_TPL["com_pass"] = "com_pass.php";
$GB_TPL["com_form"] = "comment.php";
$GB_TPL["image"] = "user_pic.php";

/* misc */

define('IS_MODULE', false); /* running as POST-Nuke 0.x or PHP-Nuke 5.x addon? */

$GB_PG["base_url"] = ""; /* e.g http://www.yourdomain.com/guestbook */

$DB_CLASS = "mysql.class.php";
$TEC_MAIL = "you_at_your_domain_dot_com";
$GB_UPLOAD = "public";
$GB_TMP = "tmp";

if ($GB_PG["base_url"] == "") {
$inter_type = php_sapi_name();
if ($inter_type == "cgi") {
if (isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) && !empty($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"])) {
$GB_PG["base_url"] = dirname($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]);
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) && !empty($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
$GB_PG["base_url"] = dirname($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
} else {
$GB_PG["base_url"] = dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
} else {
$GB_PG["base_url"] = dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);


Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

Did you give write permission to the public and tmp folders? ie CHMOD them to 777

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
[Email] [WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN] [ICQ]

Joined: 01/02/2006 19:23:12
Messages: 4

"I've granted full access NTFS permissions to the public and tmp folders for the IUSR account".

I'm not running Apache - just plain IIS 6.0 with PHP 5.0 support. From what I know, chmod 777 = Full NTFS Folder permission.

Joined: 01/02/2006 19:23:12
Messages: 4

I fixed a similar problem with the animated counter by using the full local drive path on the server to indicate the "$page.txt" file location.

e.g. (!file_exists("e:\\hosting\\user\\counter\\pages\\$page.txt")

I can't say for sure, but it seems like the guestbook problem is along the same vein (it can't find the path specified, so the files don't upload).

Any thoughts?

Joined: 01/02/2006 19:23:12
Messages: 4

answer lies within the php.ini configuration and location of the web folder - working properly now
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