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Verification not working  XML
Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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Joined: 22/01/2006 18:25:37
Messages: 2

I just upgraded to Advanced Guestbook 2.4.2 and when i go to sign the guestbook there appears to be an image verification that dosent show up, what can i do ?

Joined: 22/01/2006 18:25:37
Messages: 2

I just fixed it.
For reference, when i right clicked on the image that didnt show up, and view image, it brought me to a page that said sommet about hte header already sent on config.inc.php. I rememberd searcing for that on another file, there was a speace before the start of the PHP file that caused this, just delete teh space and re-upload your file again and all should be fine.
Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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