Hi There,
I am new to guestbooks. I would like to know where to edit so I can customize the look of the guestbook.
There is some text I want to remove at the top
"thanks for stopping by my site. Here you can leave your mark."
I would like to remove that and add some html code of my own.
I have checked the templates and I can't figure out which one is generating that statement. Is it stored in a variable?
Joined: 26/10/2002 16:00:35
Messages: 42
Location: Georgia USA
Look in the language file.
18/11/2002 20:22:46
.: JAY :.
Joined: 18/11/2002 20:15:25
Messages: 38
Location: USA
Here's how :
Go to /templates folder and open body.php.
Somewhere on the top will be the top navigation with the text you want to remove. I think that the one you want to delete is :
but be carefull 'cause i'm not 100% sure.
I hope that helped.