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Advanced Poll MySQL_Connect error 2 Guest 3756 13/06/2005 23:54:21
Auron [Latest Reply]
guestbook stops generating new html 4 Guest 5344 12/06/2005 21:58:26
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
My Poor Guestbook is Under Massive Attack 14 Gudos 35028 12/06/2005 00:07:03
Gudos [Latest Reply]
AGB php code showing up on webpage 3 Guest 5608 11/06/2005 21:03:02
Guest [Latest Reply]
Where is the admin demo for Advanced Poll? 1 o]T3[o 3598 11/06/2005 00:00:49
o]T3[o [Latest Reply]
Poll results showing up on different page 0 Locke 4640 10/06/2005 21:40:03
Locke [Latest Reply]
People can revote, after 2 ours, but that should be never... 2 Guest 4571 09/06/2005 13:59:09
Guest [Latest Reply]
Will the 2.3.1 from 2.2 upgrade script work for 2.3.2 ? 1 watosh 3330 09/06/2005 04:06:13
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Guestbook Upgrade quick question 5 Guest 4861 08/06/2005 18:16:51
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Poll - get options from database 0 Tosspot 2844 07/06/2005 08:20:54
Tosspot [Latest Reply]
Poll as a quiz 0 limoroyal 3011 07/06/2005 05:18:37
limoroyal [Latest Reply]
How can I pad the counter? 0 reach100 3232 07/06/2005 02:56:18
reach100 [Latest Reply]
PhpBB2 general question 6 Skorch 9863 06/06/2005 21:14:59
Skorch [Latest Reply]
Repetitive Poll 0 eschamp 4024 06/06/2005 19:45:35
eschamp [Latest Reply]
Poll ID does not exist. Everything else working fine 0 Guest 4091 05/06/2005 02:15:52
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll glitch 2 malooga 6149 04/06/2005 03:33:46
malooga [Latest Reply]
upgrading 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 3 chrismyles 6760 03/06/2005 17:53:10
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
free link page password lost 1 Guest 3109 02/06/2005 21:27:29
Guest [Latest Reply]
ADV Poll Features 0 Guest 2823 01/06/2005 00:54:06
Guest [Latest Reply]
Links Server Error problem 2 ihost 4626 31/05/2005 22:27:15
ihost [Latest Reply]
Images in Advanced GB not showing in IE 7 Guest 10215 31/05/2005 15:50:24
Guest [Latest Reply]
Recovering pass from Adv Poll 2.0.3 1 Guest 8707 29/05/2005 05:18:02
amber222 [Latest Reply]
Can anyone post "Advanced Poll Tutorial - Step by Step? 5 Zend 9911 29/05/2005 04:55:49
amber222 [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll: Doesn't show when embedded 7 LCAngela 8284 28/05/2005 21:46:31
LCAngela [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll: works on site, not on Movable Type blog 1 kgs 3956 28/05/2005 19:57:41
kgs [Latest Reply]
TOP DOWNLOADS 0 Guest 2859 28/05/2005 17:18:03
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook 1 Guest 3031 28/05/2005 09:59:47
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
please assistance 1 Guest 3072 26/05/2005 23:03:22
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Default login dont work 1 Guest 3009 26/05/2005 20:47:15
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll Template 2 MrBiggZ 5774 26/05/2005 17:39:11
Guest [Latest Reply]
Lost username and password 2 safeborough 4238 25/05/2005 15:17:35
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
I have installed Advanced Guestbook but getting White Screen 3 Guest 4500 25/05/2005 05:48:05
Guest [Latest Reply]
Php Newb... have to love people like me 4 GoingOffRoading 4804 24/05/2005 19:06:29
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
GuestBook Admin Approval 2 Guest 3712 24/05/2005 14:58:29
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 3 Fred 5131 23/05/2005 21:16:31
LCAngela [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll - where do I start? 4 Guest 5416 23/05/2005 07:36:54
Allegro [Latest Reply]
latest poll in Advanced Poll Script... 8 zorglub 8048 23/05/2005 00:34:34
Guest [Latest Reply]
after the changes of comment font 2 Guest 3357 22/05/2005 07:45:02
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced poll resets? 3 Guest 4262 21/05/2005 20:09:22
Guest [Latest Reply]
[AP] Cookies not working, but no error msgs. 5 Guest 5132 21/05/2005 19:10:39
Guest [Latest Reply]
Making Poll Results Popup 1 RoamingComedian 3687 21/05/2005 03:33:12
Auron [Latest Reply]
Poll using wrong url; vote/view results giving 404 error 5 Guest 5762 20/05/2005 17:31:47
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guest Book modification question and hyperlink qst 1 johndaly 3503 20/05/2005 11:49:13
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.3 help 7 drumz0rz 8272 20/05/2005 00:44:55
Auron [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll PHP 1 Guest 3457 19/05/2005 14:31:41
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advance Guestbook: The pictures... 5 Guest 7458 19/05/2005 09:35:50
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Encode emails in Guestbook like this site does!
[ Go to page: 1, 2, 3 ]
36 Carbonize 398209 19/05/2005 07:33:55
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Were do I put my email addy in advanced poll? 10 Guest 11147 19/05/2005 00:56:28
Auron [Latest Reply]
Latest message in questbook displayed on portal? 6 Muiter 6456 18/05/2005 21:06:27
Muiter [Latest Reply]
Installing ADV Polls...install.php won't go to action=step_2 0 greatbig47 3428 18/05/2005 20:09:35
greatbig47 [Latest Reply]
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