If post spec char ő or ű it displays ő and ű if I edit it (I just replace this code with őű again ) it is fine?! I need it to be displayed correctly without edit, I don't want to edit all messages everyday
They only need to know the o and the u or you could create a php script that takes all data from the guestbook files that contain the posts and convert them to what they should be. When you say displayed incorrectly, how? And when you say edit, just re-enter the chars exactly as before or add the code for them?
Visit my site @ www.ragnaru.com
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought)
20/08/2003 10:15:39
so I write ő and ű than It displays "& #337;"
"& #369;" "without space&" of course" then I go to admin page and If I delete the code and replace it with ő and ű it will displays it correctly
20/08/2003 10:25:23
firstly I posted a message with only
in it
than I go to admin page and write őű under this
you can see the result
Does it display the code in the admin area or even after they've posted? Does it appear correctly when you view the posts outside the admin area?
Visit my site @ www.ragnaru.com
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought)
21/08/2003 20:55:58
I posted the first 4 char outside of the admin area
In admin area I see the code
but in the admin area If I write őű I displays correctly
(in the pic you can see I inserted őű after the code)
27/08/2003 21:02:52
Now I installed the ultimate advanced guestbook...
so if I post ? or ? I will get "?" instead ? and ?
How should I automatically convert it?