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forgot admin password  XML
Forum Index » Support Forum
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i changed the default password (ie123) to something that i forgot.
ive tried replacing the geusbook folder on the server but that didnt work, surly because the password is in the SQL database
can anyone help me without losing my guessbook entries


Joined: 27/01/2005 00:28:44
Messages: 11

Go to you're SQL manager (for example phpMyAdmin)

Go to you're guestbook

Go to the table: book_auth

And change the password field into 773359240eb9a1d9

now you can login with you're username and password=123

thank you very much

Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

pimmer wrote:Go to you're SQL manager (for example phpMyAdmin)

Go to you're guestbook

Go to the table: book_auth

And change the password field into 773359240eb9a1d9

now you can login with you're username and password=123

the above will not work with the latest versions of MySQL as they have apparently changed the password encryption. I made www.carbonize.co.uk/reset.zip to let people change their password simply regardless of their MySQL version.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

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