We can't seem to stop spammers from spamming us We have updatied to the latest version 2.3.4 and installed the human verification script but they are still spamming...I know they can leave message manually but whats weird is that the messages are posted in older posts from legitimate users..I dont see how they are doing this....
Thanks Carbonize! you rock...why didnt i think of that
Question, I use XHTML and CSS for our site...but the guestbook does not validate...what's the best way to make it validate according to W3C standards?
08/12/2005 21:11:16
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
Wel first you would have to edit the templates to add the / to the end of such tags as img, meta and br. Then you would have to remove certain tag attributes. It does depend on what version of XHTML you are using.
Carbonize I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook