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poll results not showing at all after I vote  XML
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Joined: 27/10/2006 13:13:15
Messages: 3

hello all. I just installed advanced poll 2.06. Got it set up and made a new template to fit my page

here's the link to my page, it's a work in progress atm.. I'm redoing the design for the site and decided a poll system would be a good thing

once I vote the whole page seems to reload and the poll area is just blank. If I refresh it's still just blank.. to get the poll to show up again I have to close the browser and come back to the page.. at which point it just lets me vote again apparently instead of noticing I've aleady voted and showing me results.

Maybe I forgot to do something though.. all I did so far was set up the DB, make a new poll and template and used this code in to make the poll show up :

  1. <?php   
  2. include_once "/home/classem/public_html/poll/booth.php";   
  3. $php_poll->set_template_set("poc_sondage");   
  4. echo $php_poll->poll_process(4);   
  5. ?>  

do I need to do something else to make the cookies work or what not?

Thanks for the help guys

Joined: 16/11/2004 12:46:44
Messages: 110

did you make your own template 'poc_sondage' ?

Joined: 27/10/2006 13:13:15
Messages: 3

um yes of course..

i'm not that clueless

Joined: 05/11/2006 10:17:57
Messages: 4

I have the same exact problem.

include_once "/home/classem/public_html/poll/booth.php";
echo $php_poll->poll_process(4);

If I remove the second line of code, I am able to see the results but I lose the styles from my template.

Please help. Thanks.

Joined: 27/10/2006 13:13:15
Messages: 3

i fixed my problem.. it was a silly mistake. When I made my new template I copied over the template code from the 'plain' template but I only copied over the 'poll' code.. I only later realized the 'results' and 'comments' tab which had been left empty. I filled those up and adjusted them to my specifications and now it works great.

Joined: 05/11/2006 10:17:57
Messages: 4


Thanks for the tip! Looks like I committed the same silly mistake. I may also have been careless when switching between my different templates and maybe overlooking when a template was not switched. I got my polls up today - see them at www.terrakeramik.com. Note that I purchased a license, which is why you won't see the link on the bottom of each poll.
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