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Messages posted by: diozoid
Forum Index » Profile for diozoid » Messages posted by diozoid
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I think the penny may have dropped!

Do I have to create a new seperate page for the poll result and use the generated code for that purpose.

Its just I assumed the program would do everything and all I had to do was enter some details of what to vote for into a template of questions.

Then hopefully up would pop a page saying cut and paste this code into your page on your site where you wish the poll to appear.

Silly me it looks as though it may be more complicated.
Thanks Auron

I've created a poll and assume all the template codes are generated from that new poll. Do I just cut and paste those template codes into a page or are there futher edits to be made for the templates to work.

I'll just ask a little at a time as too much info gets me confused and is far harder to write down by the person explaining than it is by me to read and try to understand it.

Been searching thro and found this bit in config.inc

$POLLDB["dbName"] = "";
$POLLDB["host"] = "localhost";
$POLLDB["user"] = "root";
$POLLDB["pass"] = "";
$POLLDB["class"] = "class_mysql.php";

Do I need a database on my server to run Advanced Poll

I've got one but its being used for a forum similar to this one, does it mean I need two databases or is there a way to share one or don't I even need one?

I'm at the same stage, installed everything to server, sign in, create poll - but don't yet understand what code to put in own page to get poll onto own web page. Off to read some more. Good luck.
Forum Index » Profile for diozoid » Messages posted by diozoid
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