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I am still running Adv Guestbook. Just like the program.
However, I am running it under a vbportal system.
I liked alot about PN, but, I didn't like the level of support which is one thing I needed.
I did figure out how to get the Adv. Guestbook to run under PN.71 but that's been a while back. Believe me if I could help I would. I did look back because I thought that I still had it installed but I don't.
If I remember, it was something pretty simple once I figured it out. Seems like somewhere it in the config file or something there is a line about running under nuke and I changed it to postnuke. I could be completely off here. I went through some many mods trying to get up and running.
just a suggestion is not important to have your guestbook integrated with your log in, etc. for postnuke or whatever system. You should want guests to be able to sign the guestbook without being a member. Just a thought.
Basically, you may want to run it like I am running it here:
Just as a standalone program.
Also, with all the email harvesting pirates out there and for the protection of your users and guests, I would delete the line in the guestbook display that displays their email address. I don't think most people signing the book appreciate having their email address displayed.
obviously stuck here.
Have installed and have another guestbook operational but I sure do like Advanced Guest book. Wish I could get it working.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found and fixed that problem. Just don't remember what it is right off.
I've been doing so much installing and running down bugs/glitches that I don't remember how this one was resolved.
If I remember right it was a pretty simple fix. I will try and remember and post something to try and help. I know what it's like. Believe me.
did it.....
It worked........yes........thanks!!!!
Now what did I do? Hate to admit it but I'm not a php script guru. I do pretty good usually making needed modifications. Can you direct me to a source where I can read and understand what I just did.
Thanks again!!!!!!!!
another note......
I can access the admin fine if I use a direct http://c.........../gbook/admin access (with out he PN module access).
The problem is only accessing admin from within the embedded PN.71 display.
Have guestbook set up and running fine within PN .71
Except.....when I try to log into the admin enter it accepts my login (I think) and tries to load the admin page but all I get is the following warning:
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/courtboss/mainfile.php:1) in /usr/home/radatattat/modules/gbook/index.php on line 63
Thanks for any assistance!!!!!
I now have Adv Guestbook running under the new release PostNuke .71
There is a problem accessing the admin under postNuke which I have not figured out but everything else works fine.
Still working on
1) Gallery
2) phpLinks
3) Adv. Poll
4) phpBB2
(NOTE: I have advanced poll working by doing an IFRAME code in a side block. I made an html page with the Adv Poll code and then call the html page with the IFRAME into the block. Is there a better way?????? It would seem great to set up as a module. I just like this poll better than the supplied postNuke poll. Much better admin/control and better general appearance.)
Are all of these working here as modules?? within phpNuke or postNuke?? Can't quite tell.
I'm running the latest release of postnuke
POST-NUKE: The Rogue Release (0.70)
I really thought that due to the similarities, that it would work about the same in POST-NUKE as PHP-NUKE 5.x
Any suggestions appreciated !!!!!!
(What is running on this page, postnuke or phpnuke 5.x or what?? Can't see it in the footer.)
Oh, I see they work fine here. There must be someone who know the trick.
If responding, would also like a tip on operating phpbb2 as a module as is done here.
Having a problem adding modules in postnuke.
1--Advanced Guestbook
2--Advanced Poll
All modules are installed and operate fine as a standalone.
Trying to get them to operate as modules inside post nuke. I copied files to module directory and have tried a few tricks but they have not worked.
I found the problem......sorta.
After hours and hours of trying to get this poll back working I tried Netscape Nav and had no problem. I use IE6. I deleted my cookies and temp files and then was able to access/operate admin properly.
Don't know what's causing this. There's a cookie problem or something where the poll admin is going nuts and the text gets screwed up in admin.
Like I say, don't know exactly what the problem is but it's pretty easy to correct for.
I initially installed Advanced Poll and had it operating fine. No problem. I was developing a new web site.
I ftp'd it off my hard drive to a new IP. Problems started.
I tried a number of things, including a complete delete of the database and all files and folders and starting the unpack/install process from scratch.
It works, but, in admin an "S" is returned for all text display/inputs in the display......unless......I go to General Settings in Admin and change the language to english (which it already shows as the language). When I hit the update/submit button, everything is fine until I change screens. Then all the input/displays resolve to an "S".
Have tried another complete delete and reinstall, etc. Can't operate the admin to construct new polls with it in this condition.
Any suggestions are appreciated !!!
(NOTE: I appears that for some reason it is not seeing the "english.php" are not searching in the right place for it. Just can't figure it out.)