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Messages posted by: Jam'n
Forum Index » Profile for Jam'n » Messages posted by Jam'n
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Looks like you use the wrong user name and/or password for the MySQL database.
Did you also add them to the smilies collection in the Admin section. with the same code.

Like this: When I type the code this means
I don't use Top downloads but, when he says

# path to the downloads from the server root! (use for scanning)
$base_dir = "/music "; //////////// RIGHT???? or no?

It means usually means the server from the where the script is running
Why your images don't load, I don't now they work at my place.
For your smilies you have to edit the template (form.php), look under $OPTIONAL
The default admin account for the guestbook is:

Username : test
Password : 123
The database name maybe any name you want. I called mine guestbook (mysql will then make a database called guestbook)
The local host (I believe it ask for Your MySQL host) is the path where you're mysql is installed.
And the password you need is the password to access the mysql server.
Don’t be so harsh some people try to help. Look at yourself see your helping somebody.
Your provider where you have your site running must offer php and mysql.
Most free website providers don't offer this service.
On NT you can't chmod files you just select the file with the right button and select properties and remove read-only.

The stat.pl looks like this on my machine:

# Access Stats v1.12 #
# Copyright (c)2000 Chi Kien Uong #
# URL: http://www.proxy2.de #
# #
# This Software is distributed under the GNU General Public #
# License. For more details see license.txt #
# #
# #
# Windows XP Kompatibel - Andreas Kirchmeyer #
# #

# url to script
$cgiurl = "http://www.procaz.net/cgi-bin/stats/stat.pl";

# url to the image files without trailing "/"
$gif_url = "http://www.procaz.net/cgi-bin/stats/gif";

# path to the log files from the server root without trailing "/" (chmoded to 777 (drwxrwxrwx))
$base_dir = "c:/internet/sambar52/cgi-bin/stats/logfiles";

# url to the log files without trailing "/"
$log_url = "http://www.procaz.net/cgi-bin/stats/logfiles";

And the log.pl like this

# Access Stats v1.12 #
# Copyright (c)2000 Chi Kien Uong #
# URL: http://www.proxy2.de #
# #
# This Software is distributed under the GNU General Public #
# License. For more details see license.txt #
# #

# url to the image file
$output = "http://www.procaz.net/cgi-bin/stats/blank.gif";

# path to the log files from the server root without trailing "/" (chmoded to 777 (drwxrwxrwx))
$base_dir = "c:/internet/sambar52/cgi-bin/stats/logfiles";

maybe you missed something.
Do you have perl installed on your system?
I'm using it under Windows XP and it works.
Have you tried the Windows XP Kompatibel version, as Xp and NT are some of the same build?
I presume you have MySQL 3.22.x or higher and PHP 4 installed on your system.
Then open the configuration file 'config.inc.php' found in the admin directory with a text editor and set up your database settings.

/* database settings */

$GB_DB["dbName"] = "guestbook";
$GB_DB["host"] = "localhost";
$GB_DB["user"] = "Username for MySQL ";
$GB_DB["pass"] = "Password for MySQL";

save the file an then you can run the install script http://www.yourDomain.com/guestbook/install.php

It will guide you trough the rest I believe (it's been a while since I installed it)

The default admin account for the guestbook is:

Username : test
Password : 123
The counter doesn't count the same IP twice, but after the user leaves and comes back after (I believe) 15min he will be counted again.
It wouldn't be fair if I press refresh 10 times, then I would be counted 10 times in 1 minute.
What's the problem?
What's the problem?
Forum Index » Profile for Jam'n » Messages posted by Jam'n
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