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Message |
oops...ok, this is what's in the txt-file:
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/entry.php Filesize = 894
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/com.php Filesize = 224
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/url.php Filesize = 143
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/icq.php Filesize = 169
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/aim.php Filesize = 158
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/email.php Filesize = 131
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/user_pic.php Filesize = 180
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/header.php Filesize = 1888
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/body.php Filesize = 2196
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/footer.php Filesize = 0
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/entry.php Filesize = 894
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/com.php Filesize = 224
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/url.php Filesize = 143
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/icq.php Filesize = 169
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/aim.php Filesize = 158
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/email.php Filesize = 131
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/user_pic.php Filesize = 180
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/header.php Filesize = 1888
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/body.php Filesize = 2196
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/footer.php Filesize = 0
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/entry.php Filesize = 894
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/com.php Filesize = 224
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/url.php Filesize = 143
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/icq.php Filesize = 169
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/aim.php Filesize = 158
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/email.php Filesize = 131
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/user_pic.php Filesize = 180
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/header.php Filesize = 1888
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/body.php Filesize = 2196
Filename = /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/templates/footer.php Filesize = 0
Only file with size 0 is footer.php...would that be the prob? -ADDED: Well, I checked the original file, and the footer-thing is where it says "powered by...."
Carbonize...I inserted the original text in the footer between comment tags, and now the error message is gone...apparently none of the files may be 0 bytes "large", they should at least have 1 byte or so is my guess...
THANK YOU A 1000 TIMES FOR YOUR EFFORTS, it was great trying out the PHP-wilderness with ya!!!
Maximum respect!
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/*****/public_html/gastenboek/lib/template.class.php on line 58
if (file_exists("$filename")) {
$fd = fopen ($filename, "r");
$this->template[$tpl] = fread ($fd, filesize ($filename))
LINE 58: fclose ($fd);
$this->template[$tpl] = ereg_replace("\"", "\\\"", $this->template[$tpl]);
this is what comes up:
Warning: fopen(errortest.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/lib/template.class.php on line 51
Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/lib/template.class.php on line 53
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/brasseur/public_html/gastenboek/lib/template.class.php on line 54
(this message keeps repeating itself)
I did a chmod 777, just to be sure, but nothing changed...
carbo, I added you on my msn contactlist, that way I can send you the file, just to doublecheck....
Hey carbo...
So I tried the first (whitespace) sollution, then the change of fread-line, and as you already know, I tried both of 'em together....nothing changes...
ooops, sorry, I tried them both, together
none, checked manual again, and permissions were set right...
| won't like this, but I get the same message again:
Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in /home/****/public_html/gastenboek/lib/template.class.php on line 54
Could it have something to do with other chmod-permissions on files, who are not accessible, so eg. size is not readable by the script...just thinking...
this is what is says:
/home/****/public_html/gastenboek/templates/entry.php size = 894
I'm curious what will happen next...
thanks in advance for your help Carbo...This is one of the first boards where help actually comes when needed!
More info on the server and phpversion:
PHP Version 4.3.8
System Linux ****.*****.com 2.4.20-28.7 #1 Thu Dec 18 11:31:59 EST 2003 i686
Build Date Jul 15 2004 17:32:12
Configure Command './configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--with-xml' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6' '--with-imap' '--with-imap-ssl' '--with-kerberos' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--with-mysql' '--enable-discard-path' '--with-pear' '--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-versioning' '--with-zlib'
Server API Apache
Virtual Directory Support disabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/lib/php.ini
PHP API 20020918
PHP Extension 20020429
Zend Extension 20021010
Debug Build no
Thread Safety disabled
Registered PHP Streams php, http, ftp, compress.zlib
entry.php is indeed located on this location.
permissions are 777
and this is what entry.php contains:
<tr bgcolor="$bgcolor">
<td width="32%" valign="top">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td class="font2" valign="top" width="8%"><b>$id)</b></td>
<td colspan="2" class="font1"><b>$row[name]</b> $GENDER</td>
<td colspan="2" class="font1">$row[email]</td>
<td colspan="2" class="font2">$LANG[FormLoc]:<br>$row[location]</td>
<td width="68%" class="font1" valign="top">
<div align="left" class="font3"><img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/post.gif" width="9" height="9">$DATE $HOST
<a href="$GB_COMMENT"><img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/edit.gif" width="18" height="13" border="0" alt="$LANG[AltCom]"></a>
<hr size="1"><div align="left">
I don't know if this is usefull, but hey, you never know...