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make sure /admin/
is set properly i.e
db, host, user, pass
I don't think just the ip # is going to work.
for instance the name of my host is
while actual server address is
talk to your sever people, find out what the actual name or path to the db is.
I am not sure if "localhost" will work either.
I am told in some configureations and servers this works fine, but the servers that I have used in the past using "local host in any cgi or php, etc.
it never has. I
I just tried to post and lokked at your admin section...
I WOULD do the reinstall....
just a hunch..
does the admin function properly?
when you did the install.php and set your db info, did it take you to the admin section?
did all your changes "take?"
If you are sure about all that, it's always possible something go skewed during install.
I might try unzipping the compressed gbook in a new dir, so you know all that is undisturbed. Make sure the db, host and user and password are set in /admin/
That's what i would try
make sure these dirs have write permissions
- public - 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
- tmp - 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
I jus posted..looks okay from here
specific info and a url would help
in admin>general settings:
picture upload needs to be enabled
in your guestbook directory the folders
and /public
have to world writable
chmod 666
are you talkin' 'bout the smilies?
or like an image on the template?
just <enter> should do the smilie...
a page brake <br> should do the template.
<img scr = "/whatever.gig><br>...and your text goes here
Please be a little more specific...
Although this is not really advanced stuff...
one does need some background knowledge.
default admin:
user = test
pass = 123
As far I know you need the db.
I would changed Co.
I'll bet they want a yearly contract too. That sez something right there.
I pay a total of $120 per year for the whole ball 'o wax, and am billed monthly.
Of course, that is on top of my ISP.
It appears that something is not correct with your data base,
or it's not enabled. Many ISPs do not enable them by default and you have to ask for this to be done.
From looking at your site you do not have need of a db for anyother purpose, correct?
1.) from your server verify that a db exists for
If one exists, ask then to please "dump" the tables and data, as long as that is the only db you may have.
2.) a.)you need the url of the db.
ie mine is ""
b.) the name of your db
ie one of mine is "cnwdesigns"
c.) a user name - usually your regular log on name and
a password.
IMPORTANT!: The above also needs to be edited in /admin/
$GB_DB["dbName"] = "your db_name";
$GB_DB["host"] = "";
$GB_DB["user"] = "user_name";
$GB_DB["pass"] = "your_password";
3.) When you are positive about the above:
a.) fill in the info
b.) if you do not have any othe db, click "create Database and tables."
c.) If you DO have another db, click "create tables."
If all goes as planned you should get a "success" prompt and a link to set up the admin functions.
You need to give some details .
any errors?
post your domain, lets see whats happening.
should be:
name = test
password = 123