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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Hmm just got spammed again so maybe they are spoofing the refer. I'll try and dig u[ the image verification script.
I do have an image verification mod for the guestbook to stop spam but I never got round to installing it. So I came up with a simple quick fix. I assume they are using a program or script to send the data straight to the addentry page. Simply add the following to the start of the addentry.php code before everything else.
$url = getenv('HTTP_REFERER');
$url = parse_url($url);
$domain = strtolower($url['host']);
if (($domain != 'www.carbonize.co.uk') && ($domain != 'carbonize.co.uk')) Header('Location: http://www.carbonize.co.uk/');

Changing the carbonize.co.uk to the domain of your site. The Location part is the page they get sent to if they didn't get to the addentry page from your site.
For my site I use a single header and footer file and have every page call them so I simply just changed the index.php and addentry.php so it called these files and not the ones supplied with the guestbook.
A robots.txt file goes in the root folder of your web site. http://www.google.com/search?q=robots.txt should get you the info you require on the format.
Most just do a search on google like this - http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22Advanced+Guestbook+2.3.1%22&meta= and then use a script or program to go through the list posting entries. This is why I removed the advert from the bottom then changed my guestbooks URL. The image verification script was just a challenge for my friend but works fine.
I had this problem so I had a friend write an image verification script to prevent bots from posting in the guestbook.

Also you would probably find a robots.txt file better than the meta tags.
Of course an email address to send them to would be a good dea
No problem. I'll try and send them later today as I'm at work right now. Both Freddy's verification mod and jareds messenger mods.
I've changed my icq.php located in templates so it shows the persons ICQ status.

Green = Online
Red = Offline
Grey = Disabled

Just open icq.php and replace its contents with
Jared has implemented my mod. you can see it on his site at http://www.avianosaints.com/testbook/
Jared has implemented my mod. you can see it on his site at http://www.avianosaints.com/testbook/
My mate has has made an image validation or advanced guestbook 2.3.1.
Contact me if you want a copy. It's just a case of over writing 2 files and some.
If you want a good, webbased, mailing list manager I can recommend Mojomail. It's what I install for my clients. You can get it from http://mojo.skazat.com
My mate has has made an image validation for advanced guestbook 2.3.1.
Contact me if you want a copy. It's just a case of over writing 2 files and some.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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