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How do I remove/disable the Private message option when folks sign my guestbook?
I was looking for the same thing. Is this a whole new guestbook?
yup it's go daddy! grrrr it seems it doesn't like it when you use an email account not hosted on the domain the guestbook is on. So I just created an email on that domain to get the notifications and it works ok now.
Thanks a bunch for your help. I appreciate it.
I'll check but I don't understand why they would all of a sudden do that. I use godaddy
no worries. I have it set to receive emails when someone signs my gustbook. Been getting emails for months with no problems. In the last week, it no longer is sending me emails when someone signs my guestbook. I have no spam blockers so it's not getting caught up there. Really weird that it was working fine and no longer all of a sudden doesn't. I'm perplexed.
I'm having this same exact problem and I'm using 2.4.2
thanx... target blank was what was originally there but it still didn't open up in a new window.
Hmmmmm weird
thanx I'm a php n00b. I tried the below following to no avail. Am I missing something here?
function AGCode($string) {
$string=eregi_replace("\\[img\\](http://[^\\[]+)\\[/img\\]","<img src=\"\\1\" border=0>",$string);
$string=eregi_replace("\\[email\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/email\\]","<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>",$string);
$string=eregi_replace("\\[url\\]www.([^\\[]*)\\[/url\\]","<a href=\"http://www.\\1\" target=\"new\">\\1</a>",$string);
$string=eregi_replace("\\[url\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/url\\]","<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"new\">\\1</a>",$string);
$string=eregi_replace("\\[url=http://([^\\[]+)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/url\\]","<a href=\"http://\\1\" target=\"new\">\\2</a>",$string);
return $string;
I have my guestbook set up in frames. Clicking on the home icon within posts works and opens in a new window just fine. But where can I add code (maybe base target code) so when someone posts a link in their guestbook entry that that also will open in a new window. Right now it gets stuck in my frames.
you want the body.php
Never mind, found it in the forum
HELP FOR THE STUPID!!! Ok, since I'm having trouble with my guestbook. I decided to install new. I'm using Advanced Guestbook 2.3.3 and was looking for the human verification mod but I don't see it on the link you posted. Does it go by another name?
Thank you in advanced
Carbonize wrote:Well you could try my simple anti spam solution or goto and download the human verification mod. Or if you really want a laugh download Lazarus and replace that guestbook with it.
No suggestions?
Have you tried getting to the files through way of your CPanel instead of FTP?
For some odd reason, I can no longer edit anything in my General Settings in the admin panel. When I hit the Submit Settings button, it takes me to but with an IE error HTTP Error 406 - Not acceptable and it's just a blank page. But when I refresh the page it takes me back to the admin login page.
Edit to add... I'm using 2.3.1 I didn't have this problem in the past untill my hosting company had troubles and had to reset everything. I'm hoping this is something that can be fixed in the database.