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In phpMyAdmin I have the database "mypoll". That was created by MySQL Account Maintenance in Cpanel. I didn´t do anything else in phpMyAdmin.
I read the guides many times, and repeated the instalation... but the error is the same. I think is something wrong I can't see or something I'm not doing.
Can you explain what you mean please?
Auron: I removed all stuff related to adv. poll and started a fresh installation flollowing what you told me (I guess). It was pretty much the same thing I have done right? So... the same problem appeared. My host provide mysql.
Carbonize: I'm sorry, I can´t install advanced guestbook from cpanel (in CGI center right?). This means anything?
When someone tries to help, that will be always a help Thanks dude
I don´t know if this is relevant. When I install advanced poll from fantastico, a folder named poll was automatically created. Then when I copy the stuff from (only the folder poll) some files were overwritten. I don´t see any information about this in the forum so, I guess is normal. Any way I told you.
I will send a message to Carbonize
Thanks again
I'm sorry I can't see any mistake.
Users in mypoll
songokou_bobt (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES)
Connection Strings
Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:songokou_mypoll:localhost","songokou_bobt","<PASSWORD HERE>");
PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "songokou_bobt", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("songokou_mypoll");
Here is my MySQL database.
$POLLDB["dbname"] = "songokou_mypoll";
$POLLDB["host"] = "localhost";
$POLLDB["user"] = "songokou_bobt";
$POLLDB["pass"] = "****";
$POLLDB["class"] = "class_mysql.php";
1. Had hit "Add Db" -- Call it "mypoll". MySQL named it "songokou_mypoll" for the database name.
2. Had hit "Add User" (below) The name entered was "bobt", password "xxx"
A. Created a user.... "songokou_bobt" (that has a password "xxx")
3. Now had put "songokou_bobt" and "songokou_mypoll" in dropdown boxes (above).
A. Had hit Add user to Db
B. This tie the user "songokou_bobt" to the new database "songokou_mypoll".
You mean doing this?
How I do that?
Thanks for your reply.
You mean do this step ?
I installed advanced poll by fantastico on folder poll. Second I created the database on "cpanel" "mySQL databases" in following way:
(some of the stuff are a copy of another post in this forum, and... sorry about my english)
1. Had hit "Add Db" -- Call it "mypoll". MySQL named it "songokou_mypoll" for the database name.
2. Had hit "Add User" (below) The name entered was "bobt", password "xxx"
A. Created a user.... "songokou_bobt" (that has a password "xxx")
3. Now had put "songokou_bobt" and "songokou_mypoll" in dropdown boxes (above).
A. Had hit Add user to Db
B. This tie the user "songokou_bobt" to the new database "songokou_mypoll".
Now working on,
Rename the "DB" folder to "poll"
b. Then to the "Include" folder in folder "poll".
c. Open up "'" in Windows
1. Change $POLLDB["dbName"] = "songokou_mypoll";
2. Leave Alone $POLLDB["host"] = "localhost"; [do not change]
3. Change $POLLDB["user"] = "songokou_bobt";
4. Change $POLLDB["pass"] = "xxx";
5. Upload whole "poll" folder to public.html in your FTP account.
6. Tree should be: \public.html\poll.
5. Now access the program in your browser with ' and I followed the steps, everything ok.
Now I insert the code
/* Include this before your html code */
include "./poll_cookie.php";
in the begining of my php file, the one i want for the poll.
And in the place I want the poll to be I insert
include_once "/home/songokou/public_html/domainname/poll/booth.php";
echo $php_poll->poll_process(4); // x = Poll ID
I upload the file and the following error appears when accessing the page:
Database Error
MySQL Error: Database error
Error number: 1046 No database selected
Php version: 4.4.2
Os: Linux
Server name:
Script name: /index.php
Can you help me?
Why this error appears to me?
Database error
MySQL Error: Database error
Error number: 1046 No database selected
I'm sorry to do this lamme question, but where is ?
3. Download, and unzip