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Hey guys (and especially Carbon).
I integrated the Image Verification a while back with help of Carbonize, but still I get tons and tons of spam! I can't keep up with manually deleting them cause its so much.
How can I stop it?
Click here for my guestbook.
Any ideas?
I have both on 255 and no luck, if the link is too long it wont display it. In admin panel the link isnt shown either, only the name/location/message.
Yeah Lazarus looks cool but i dont wanna lose all my msg's or have to re-do the template, If i recall correctly you were the one who helped me gettin my template right in the first place
But thanks, i changed the maxlength in form.php (I had it at 999 but that didnt work). I forgot about goin in to phpmyadmin and changing the fields. I could find some fields in book_data and book_private saying "url" where i changed the varchar max length to 255 but still the url gets cut off/doesnt get shown at all.
What am i doing wrong?
Eurm whenn i have the maxlength in form.php to 50 i can't even enter half a url in the input field whenn entering. Let alone make it display properly. So i put that back to 999 and now i can at least insert long urls, but they just wont show.
Hey guys,
I've been using Advanced Guestbook for a long time now and i love it. But i use it a lot for sharing funny video's and stuff but like 9 outta 10 links arent placed in the homepage field because its too long and gets cut off or completely not shown.
How can i increase this field so that the homepage link always work no matter how long the link is you insert?
frack, wrong section.
Hey guys,
I've been using Advanced Guestbook for a long time now and i love it. But i use it a lot for sharing funny video's and stuff but like 9 outta 10 links arent placed in the homepage field because its too long and gets cut off or completely not shown.
How can i increase this field so that the homepage link always work no matter how long the link is you insert?
Hey all
Got a small question, Im trying to get this user pic/image working and so that the image shows beneath the name of the user posting which is no problem because i simply relocate the $USER_PIC tag. I think im cool with that cause in entry.php i have now:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td class="font2" valign="top" width="8%"><b>$id)</b></td>
<td width="92%">
<td colspan="2" class="font1"><b>$row[name]</b> $GENDER</td>
<td colspan="2" class="font1"><b>$USER_PIC</td>
I did some editting in my Guestbook such as removing some fields and such. I believe Carbonize helped me with the layout which im still extremely happy about. Not sure though could be someone else was long time ago Anyway..
The user picture is not showing! I have checked all the priviliges and chmodded them all to have write privilige. Though im not sure where the actual image will be uploaded to? In what directory is that? Mayby that is the problem, if not mayby someone has an idea on how to fix this
Thanks a lot in advance!
No way someone can customize the script for my version? Im willing to pay $ to get it fixed ;x Shouldnt be much work.
If you had read my story you would know that im using a different version. And if you had visited my guestbook you would see that updating the guestbook to a completely different one will take more time and frustrating (implementing it) again then adding a simple image verification on my current version.
Hey there,
Im having a major problem with some internet terrorists destroying my guestbook. Started with a few each day and now we'r up to a few hundred each day. So i finally decided to do something about it and started googling for "Advanced Guestbook phpbb spam". I always managed to return on this website and found many topics related to my problem.
I found your image verification tool and tried implementing it. Only all the instructions werent matching my files so after hitting my head to concrete wall for several minutes i discovered that there are 2 groups that made a phpbb mod called "Advanced Guestbook" and obviously i was using a different one then this. Im using one created by Dreamy and Kooky. Not sure if you guys are related to eachother but after clicking on their fantastic homepage i reached a dead end for its all in french and they appearantly havent heard of the word "support" yet. Though i shouldnt whine cause its free.
Anyway to cut a long and boring story short. I am in desperate need of some specifc help regarding your image verifcation addon for my beloved guestbook.. As you can see i implemented it completely into my forum and thats why im not swopping over to your Advanced Guestbook version casue i wont ever get it integrated as niceley as it is now.
Please i beg you, all i need is a box at my add entry page thats asking for a verification code befor they can post to stop the spam pirates. My googling skills are letting me down and im getting butt-raped in every phpbb support channel with the "we dont do 3rd party support" ammo.
Thanks in advance!!