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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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never mind... stupid me forgot to rename something :/
I'm sorry. My bad
include_once "/xxx/poll/booth.php";
echo $php_poll->poll_process(4);

I pasted that into my webpage but it comes out like this:
poll_process(4); ?>

How do I keep it from doing that???
Der ganze Poll ist ein 'table',
du kannst den also problemlos einbinden.

ich bin noch ein totaler Anfänger in Sachen PHP, will mich aber dennoch versuchen den POLL an die PHP anzupassen.

Ich wollte, dass der Poll bestimmte Hintergrundimages benutzt und wählte dazu das Template DEFAULT.
Nun gut, leider kann ich irgendwie einige Sachen nicht finden:

Den Table mit dem Titel AdvancedPoll möchte ich weg haben...

Wo finde ich den MainTable, wo der Poll dort included wird?
Denn um den Poll im MainTable soll noch ein wenig drum rum =)

'DBName' is the name of your database.
Ask your ISP if you're not sure.
make a copy of all required files and move them to the admin folder.
Now change the 'require' in common.inc.php to

Are you sure???

The guestbook is installed correctly.


username : test
password : 123
That's not possible without script modifications.
Two questions:

1- Version 1.6 had a "log out" option in the admin panel. I can't see it in v2.0. Did you eliminate that option or is there a problem with my installation? If it doesn't have it, is it secured?

2- Is it possible to show two polls simultaneosly?
make sure those "new" smilies match the same exact name of the "old" smilies and put in the same directory to replace the old one! it sure will show up!
These are the default Username and password settings:

Username : test
Password : 123

It's in the readme.txt file!

GreetZ MetalllZ
Why is it that i can't see ALL smilies. When i have changed them in the smilie screen? I Can see only the ones that were there by default.

Does anybody know this?

GreetZ Metalllz
Guestbook - Administration Centre
Before you can proceed you have to enter a valid name and password.

Whats the name and password ?
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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