I putting the guestbook inside an iframe so either could work.
I want to put link that is outside the frame so I need links that are either _blank or _top. Do I write it in html? but I don't think so...
The jump menu is the same idea when they go to the list I want them to _top or _blank and stay within the frame.
Help is appreciated.
16/07/2004 23:21:52
If the link is within the frame then it will open within the frame unless a different target is specified. If the link is outside the frame then you use target="framename" to have the link open within the specified frame. target="_blank" is used to open a link in a new window.
I personally don't like framing my sites so am curious as to why you have chosen this method.
16/07/2004 23:39:58
Sam Emme
Joined: 15/07/2004 18:11:23
Messages: 13
Not frame, I using iframe.
17/07/2004 01:59:17
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
An iframe is just an Internal FRAME. It is treated exactly the same as a frame is.
Carbonize I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook
In the jump menu where do you put the target="_blank"
The Extre link I want to put next to Administration, where do I put the link and how does it look for both of them?
While I also use pages without frames of any sort, I like using iframes because they are easier to deal with for certain web pages.
17/07/2004 18:48:44
Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK
Just checked and the guestbooks drop down menu is justa form handled by the script. You can make a dropdown menu that will open the page where you want but not this one. Although with a little bit of php you could do it I suppose.
That would go
That is in index.php twice. Now you would just need to add urls to the jump menu
no promises on it working as this is just a quick look at the code.
Carbonize I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook