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Advanced Poll how to re-set vote counts 1 getcom 5072 22/02/2005 00:55:29
Auron [Latest Reply]
Include Advanced Guestbook 1 Guest 6435 21/02/2005 00:51:23
ET [Latest Reply]
Viewing The Comment Form - Poll 2.02 2 chrisg 4211 20/02/2005 13:18:26
chrisg [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.03 Database Error 1046 1 Guest 2988 20/02/2005 08:07:22
Guest [Latest Reply]
Guestbook - I dont want Emoticons... 9 Lenyman 11765 18/02/2005 23:19:40
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll: Going to wrong page upon vote 4 middleeastfacts 7997 18/02/2005 22:15:12
middleeastfacts [Latest Reply]
Embedd poll to home page. 0 Guest 3333 18/02/2005 03:23:07
Guest [Latest Reply]
Editting comments 2 middleeastfacts 6612 17/02/2005 20:18:55
middleeastfacts [Latest Reply]
Avanced Poll 2 2 Guest 3319 17/02/2005 13:50:05
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll result link 4 Guest 4404 17/02/2005 00:24:51
Guest [Latest Reply]
where do I begin 3 Guest 3436 16/02/2005 18:34:33
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Warning: Cannot modify header information 3 Guest 3311 16/02/2005 10:10:49
Guest [Latest Reply]
guestbook block 3 Guest 3813 15/02/2005 07:31:22
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Can't get ad poll 2.03 to work 3 robo 5341 14/02/2005 19:20:48
Auron [Latest Reply]
Guestbook - almost extremely hacked
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23 Guest 20261 13/02/2005 23:01:40
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Guestbook 1.5 Admin Page Colors 3 pmonahan 7759 13/02/2005 12:27:09
Guest [Latest Reply]
advanced poll 2.03 problem... 9 yelbuke 9524 12/02/2005 10:30:29
Guest [Latest Reply]
advanced Gustbook 4 whowho 7351 11/02/2005 22:28:44
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
FFAL Sript Error #2 1 Guest 4876 11/02/2005 04:49:22
ET [Latest Reply]
Root Directory 3 Guest 4050 11/02/2005 02:51:51
Guest [Latest Reply]
Hacker from Turkey owns our Guestbook
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39 Keypling 40412 10/02/2005 23:59:28
ET [Latest Reply]
FFAL script error 5 Guest 6070 10/02/2005 20:59:00
ET [Latest Reply]
Thanks for a great poll script 2 Guest 4088 10/02/2005 19:31:06
Auron [Latest Reply]
Updating the Poll on the index page 5 amayar 6272 10/02/2005 19:30:10
Auron [Latest Reply]
problem in guest book 2 Guest 4445 10/02/2005 13:26:26
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook title 7 Dale King 9160 10/02/2005 12:01:54
ET [Latest Reply]
How to add title picture to the guestbook 10 sportgsd 9294 09/02/2005 21:54:12
sportgsd [Latest Reply]
Hacked and need to reset password 9 Guest 7852 09/02/2005 21:09:48
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Created template for Advanced Poll but no folder appears 5 lynncrystal 5920 09/02/2005 17:47:31
Guest [Latest Reply]
problem display pictures in advanced guestbook 3 Guest 5408 09/02/2005 15:22:55
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Mad!! a Hacker wiped out my guestbook of moer than 2 years 14 Guest 19385 09/02/2005 14:00:12
Gudos [Latest Reply]
How do I change username and password? 6 Guest 20145 08/02/2005 20:30:47
Auron [Latest Reply]
New Here? Got a Program Problem? Read this First 13 Guest 20009 08/02/2005 17:59:09
Auron [Latest Reply]
Problem with insert image and preview function + another ?
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18 martin_uboo 31638 08/02/2005 15:05:35
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
manualgide 6 Guest 11494 08/02/2005 12:30:57
ET [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll upgrade 1 Guest 4345 08/02/2005 09:17:30
Guest [Latest Reply]
Importing data from older version?
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21 hawkeye 22479 08/02/2005 01:57:46
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
MySQL password handling changes 6 lloyd_borrett 226410 08/02/2005 00:43:13
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Verificaction 4 lloyd_borrett 230740 07/02/2005 09:50:36
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Guestbook Customization Gone Wrong...Can you help?
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21 Guest 19039 06/02/2005 22:40:08
JTD [Latest Reply]
templed background 12 Guest 19806 06/02/2005 21:26:59
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced guestbook 2.2 to 2.3.1 upgrade script 7 Carbonize 429277 06/02/2005 05:29:02
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Fixes and Mods
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48 amber222 186018 06/02/2005 05:26:07
Guest [Latest Reply]
Critical Warning for html Enabled Guestbooks
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15 amber222 31590 06/02/2005 05:23:07
Guest [Latest Reply]
Remove Comment Ability 6 Cory 10832 06/02/2005 04:08:00
ET [Latest Reply]
Lost All Your Entries? No Backup? You Could Try This... 2 amber222 10977 06/02/2005 03:56:45
JTD [Latest Reply]
? error: "You can't access this file directly..." 3 wolfereeno 6318 06/02/2005 02:25:22
Guest [Latest Reply]
Need Help Installation!! I am running out of options... 2 Guest 4239 05/02/2005 23:47:01
Guest [Latest Reply]
pls help...error with image verification script 2 keybush 4931 05/02/2005 22:32:02
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
HELP! Regarding Advanced Guestbook 6 pfloros 6652 05/02/2005 14:17:41
Guest [Latest Reply]
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