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How to saw last messages at the main pege 14 Guest 10853 05/02/2005 11:28:24
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Need Login & Password 14 Guest 13156 05/02/2005 03:57:09
D.A. [Latest Reply]
Adv. Guestbook MySQL Connection Error 4 cdnmama 10031 04/02/2005 20:28:39
ET [Latest Reply]
"Poll ID 1 does not exist." 1 Guest 3532 04/02/2005 20:17:08
ET [Latest Reply]
Access Stats 1.12 - stat.pl empty 1 Guest 3891 04/02/2005 20:06:17
ET [Latest Reply]
I want to change the entries order. 6 Guest 6702 04/02/2005 19:47:39
Guest [Latest Reply]
Allow HTML in Comments? 4 Nunzio 5276 04/02/2005 18:34:17
Nunzio [Latest Reply]
Remove the blue Advanced Poll bar on the top? 2 Guest 3230 04/02/2005 18:19:03
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
my guestbook got hacked - any suggestions?
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28 Guest 21693 04/02/2005 18:17:50
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
how can I change the designs of Gb entrys 13 Guest 10002 04/02/2005 12:43:52
Guest [Latest Reply]
Poll not showing up 5 Guest 5332 04/02/2005 02:13:17
Auron [Latest Reply]
Problem with img 1 Guest 4539 03/02/2005 21:36:37
ET [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 1 yazan 3802 03/02/2005 10:43:19
ET [Latest Reply]
Major modification 0 Guest 2668 03/02/2005 06:08:58
Guest [Latest Reply]
1030 ERROR!! 1 RobWestLoko 4388 03/02/2005 05:36:32
ET [Latest Reply]
Help, someone hacked into our guestbook
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73 Guest 50534 03/02/2005 02:59:22
ET [Latest Reply]
phpnuke GUESTBOOK if i click on image the img doesn't show 8 Guest 7712 03/02/2005 01:18:00
Guest [Latest Reply]
adcanced GB, what is this field in the top right corner 6 Guest 5402 02/02/2005 22:59:01
Guest [Latest Reply]
How to install the advanced poll 1 guythomas 3329 02/02/2005 18:09:55
Auron [Latest Reply]
How can I change the text color of comments? 3 Guest 3363 02/02/2005 15:55:07
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
my guestbook has been hacked, can anyone help? 9 Guest 6522 02/02/2005 12:58:24
JTD [Latest Reply]
guest book hacked 6 Guest 6828 02/02/2005 12:56:37
JTD [Latest Reply]
Admin not working 2 fLaW 4338 02/02/2005 09:42:11
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
poll not voting!!! 4 irishboi_80 6369 01/02/2005 23:25:39
irishboi_80 [Latest Reply]
Poll Templates not working 1 Guest 4546 01/02/2005 21:59:37
Auron [Latest Reply]
poll installation 2 Guest 5782 01/02/2005 04:27:36
Guest [Latest Reply]
How to Hide the Guestbook? 7 MatadorMkV 8830 31/01/2005 09:42:43
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Documentation Available? 11 martin_uboo 14188 30/01/2005 21:45:22
martin_uboo [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll - Second admin account 2 lto 5692 30/01/2005 20:20:59
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Hello 3 Guest 4292 30/01/2005 18:04:54
JTD [Latest Reply]
new messages 1 Guest 2924 30/01/2005 16:03:34
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How to sort the guestbook differently 11 Le Keeper World 12483 30/01/2005 15:19:32
Guest [Latest Reply]
How do you make email address required in Guestbook? 7 hawkeye 9332 30/01/2005 14:01:56
JTD [Latest Reply]
Error adding entry with image 14 pimmer 14937 30/01/2005 13:16:23
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Animated Counter problem 3 ordhor 5075 29/01/2005 22:17:20
Guest [Latest Reply]
Getting leading 0's in Acounter.php 4 Guest 4048 29/01/2005 21:00:29
Guest [Latest Reply]
Removing border 3 TomH 6388 29/01/2005 13:13:12
TomH [Latest Reply]
verification images
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15 Guest 13980 28/01/2005 20:44:44
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
A.Poll - how remove all demo & remain only Demo3 1 Guest 3905 28/01/2005 20:10:02
ET [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll - forget my password :/ 1 Guest 2486 28/01/2005 17:19:12
Guest [Latest Reply]
error 1 Guest 2522 28/01/2005 16:39:53
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How can I increase the size of smilies in my Guest book 2 Guest 5238 28/01/2005 12:03:53
JTD [Latest Reply]
Can I stop this from happening? 2 Guest 3296 28/01/2005 08:16:36
Guest [Latest Reply]
Tell me if this sounds stupid - With CSS and PHP? 3 Sam Emme 6610 28/01/2005 07:39:38
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced guestbbok Installation Problem 9 Guest 7353 28/01/2005 06:16:24
jakob [Latest Reply]
E-Mail notification and the address it is sent from 4 middleeastfacts 6454 27/01/2005 21:14:37
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Hi their guys! 9 Guest 8177 27/01/2005 21:06:05
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
forgot admin password 3 Guest 5416 27/01/2005 21:00:02
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Bug in Advanced Guestbook 2.3.1?? 1 pimmer 5231 27/01/2005 20:58:25
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Query Error 5 Guest 4766 27/01/2005 20:56:37
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
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