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16 Guest 16420 04/03/2005 00:19:06
Guest [Latest Reply]
Password not the same 6 Guest 9491 03/03/2005 22:58:12
Lady Rando [Latest Reply]
Advanced poll link 0 Guest 2970 03/03/2005 20:26:27
Guest [Latest Reply]
Is it to late to fix?
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35 RCRacer 31139 03/03/2005 17:39:53
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
E-Mail notification
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18 Guest 15901 03/03/2005 01:51:05
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Including works for 50% 5 Guest 7475 02/03/2005 23:45:44
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Heyas 4 Guest 6434 02/03/2005 23:43:25
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
lengthen the email row digits at the guestbook entry page 2 Guest 3209 02/03/2005 23:42:25
Guest [Latest Reply]
Problem Poll with IE
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15 Nexus 14547 02/03/2005 22:26:49
Auron [Latest Reply]
Error when posting Guestbook entries 3 LSander 5397 02/03/2005 21:07:51
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
[ap 2.03] security of comments 3 Guest 4416 02/03/2005 17:51:14
Guest [Latest Reply]
advanced poll 5 Guest 4997 02/03/2005 02:19:08
Guest [Latest Reply]
Guestbook hijacked 6 Guest 7194 01/03/2005 22:55:57
ET [Latest Reply]
customizing Guestbook and have simple ?
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26 eahola 25296 01/03/2005 18:30:58
m.moe75 [Latest Reply]
Repeat voting...I can't find anything on it??.. 1 bmopro 3966 01/03/2005 18:27:48
Auron [Latest Reply]
new poll - avoid cookie? 1 Guest 2979 01/03/2005 18:22:29
Auron [Latest Reply]
Advanced poll - poll list 3 Guest 3916 01/03/2005 18:17:10
Auron [Latest Reply]
can't log into admin of guestbook
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18 Guest 12176 01/03/2005 17:24:23
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
ADV. GB 2.3.1 Can't See Uploaded Pictures 7 captainc 9460 01/03/2005 02:30:27
captainc [Latest Reply]
People Can't Vote 0 dynmix 3703 28/02/2005 17:40:31
dynmix [Latest Reply]
Users can't upload pictures (i've tried everything mentioned 2 Guest 4729 28/02/2005 16:13:56
captainc [Latest Reply]
include gb on another page, how? 2 Guest 4403 28/02/2005 13:59:38
___SNIPER___ [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll PHP Error 2 dynmix 4562 28/02/2005 12:33:50
dynmix [Latest Reply]
The date at the top of the Guestbook 5 LSander 6819 28/02/2005 10:12:23
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Font difference in localhost and webhost 1 vinspire 3073 28/02/2005 10:10:26
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Page Background Color Problem 1 vinspire 2873 28/02/2005 10:10:02
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Problem after Successful Login 1 captainc 4895 28/02/2005 10:06:53
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll with Adobe GoLive 4 Man About Town 4921 28/02/2005 02:46:12
Man About Town [Latest Reply]
installing advanced guestbook 2.3.1. 1 Guest 4637 28/02/2005 00:16:39
captainc [Latest Reply]
ADV Poll changeing default bahavior 1 Guest 3163 27/02/2005 20:10:23
Auron [Latest Reply]
Advance Poll question, what install?, db or textfile? 5 Guest 5245 27/02/2005 20:09:16
Auron [Latest Reply]
i made a script to let the users get their own links . . 2 Guest 4164 27/02/2005 19:10:44
ET [Latest Reply]
Image display in Guestbook 1 vinspire 2998 27/02/2005 15:53:48
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Trimming the gusetbook 8 Guest 5209 27/02/2005 07:36:14
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How to Change the private message color 5 Guest 4155 27/02/2005 01:41:29
JTD [Latest Reply]
help: error in header:S 1 Guest 2324 26/02/2005 20:39:10
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Comments and Smileys 1 Guest 2554 26/02/2005 20:37:23
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.03 -voting redirects without session id- 6 Guest 4898 26/02/2005 19:51:23
Guest [Latest Reply]
[ap-db] Resetting Poll ID? 4 Guest 4263 26/02/2005 17:56:50
Guest [Latest Reply]
remove dropdown menu & logo's 13 akdingo 9669 26/02/2005 15:58:20
akdingo [Latest Reply]
parse error 1 whowho 5721 25/02/2005 05:35:38
whowho [Latest Reply]
Top Downloads - Including count in HTML doc 2 Angela24 3745 25/02/2005 01:13:34
Angela24 [Latest Reply]
How can I set the language fix or ext. for agbook 2.3.1 ?? 1 Guest 3012 24/02/2005 22:24:00
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
invalid words? 5 yvil 222916 24/02/2005 20:56:34
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Simple Anti Spam for Advanced Guestbook 14 Carbonize 457027 24/02/2005 15:54:58
Delia_35 [Latest Reply]
Adv. Guestbook - Remove user uploaded pic 1 foxfire 3420 24/02/2005 12:59:06
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 1 Guest 3429 24/02/2005 12:21:40
Auron [Latest Reply]
Change Name Fields - Brasil 2 Guest 5114 23/02/2005 22:16:00
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Password 4 Guest 6883 23/02/2005 18:24:44
JTD [Latest Reply]
Guestbook 2.2 exploit fix
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36 Carbonize 315226 22/02/2005 17:11:56
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
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