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Messages posted by: Jam'n
Forum Index » Profile for Jam'n » Messages posted by Jam'n
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There is already this addon for this guestbook.
Try the search button.
Your DB name in the config file isn't correct
Apesadumbrado para el español...

Usted puede cambiar la lengua en la sección del admin, mira en
ajustes generales.
It seems the error is gone, I see 11 entries now.
There is an spanish language file in the guestbook
Well here is a new How-To.
You will need PHPadmin for this.

[Method 1]
Select the Guestbook database.
Select book_auth.
Now choose Browse.
You now see the admin username and password.
Select edit.
Now paste Code:

in the password field and click “GO”.

This will reset your account to:

Your admin name and the password will be: 123

Or do it like this.

[Method 2]
Select the Guestbook database
Now choose on the right side of screen select SQL
Now insert in the Data Entry Field the following lines:

delete from book_auth;
INSERT INTO book_auth VALUES (1, 'test', '773359240eb9a1d9', '7d8b85294e2e060b83f596a4fc5561ce', 1058460506);

And click "GO"

This will reset your account to:

User name: test
Password: 123
Hello legogta.3gigs.net

Your guestbook is ready, take a look here.

Mail send
Yes you can have more guestbooks with the same database.
Just install them in a different folder and use the same settings from config.inc.php in all your other guestbooks.
Just login to the admin section and choose "Style"
You can change all the colors here.
Yes I do

ga naar naar de admin pagina in je guestbook directory:

bevoorbeeld http://www.yoursite.com/guestbook/admin.php

login en kies de optie "Password"

Hier kun je de gebruikersnaam en paswoord wijzigen
I wrote a tutorial for this you can find it here:



Hello ProblemGuy,

You could try the following:

Login with a ftp program to the server and right-click with the mouse on the map public and tmp, then change attributes from 750 to 777.
Hello Wally,

You need to copy the complete directory.
It seems we have a new support forum for the advanced guestbook.


I was asked if I would like support that forum.
So here was my first post, I didn't want to keep this away from you guys.
If you have some questions or want to now more then you can find us there.

This is how to install the guestbook under Windows, Linux should be no different.
I’m not going in on how to install PHP or MySQL, because I think you’re already running these.

First copy the content to the directory of your choice.
Then open your browser and go to: http://www.mysite.com/guestbook_directory/install.php

You should then see this screen:

Point 1: Type here the name of your new database ( In my case “test”)
Point 2: Leave this alone (localhost)
Point 3: Type here your MySQL administrator name, if you didn’t make one when you installed MySQL then it should be “root”
Point 4: Type here your MySQL password, if you didn’t make one when you installed MySQL then it should be blank

Then Press “create new DB and table”

You should then see this screen:

Then Press “Click now here to setup the guestbook admin…”
If you don’t see this screen and get an error message, then try the following first:

Go to the directory where you have installed the guestbook and go to the admin directory.
Locate “config.inc.php” open it with notepad.
You should see the following:

/* database settings */

$GB_DB["dbName"] = "";
$GB_DB["host"] = "localhost";
$GB_DB["user"] = "root";
$GB_DB["pass"] = "";

This is the same setup as seen in picture 1.
Now type the folowing:

$GB_DB["dbName"] = "test"; Type here the name of your new database ( In my case “test”)
$GB_DB["host"] = "localhost"; Leave this alone (localhost)
$GB_DB["user"] = "root"; Type here your MySQL administrator name, if you didn’t make one when you installed MySQL then it should be “root”
$GB_DB["pass"] = ""; Type here your MySQL password, if you didn’t make one when you installed MySQL then it should be blank

Now save this setup.

Then open your browser and go to: http://www.mysite.com/guestbook_directory/install.php

You should get picture 1 again, type here the same as in “config.inc.php”
Then Press “create new DB and table” (if you get an error that the database already exists then delete the database in MySQL/data/)

You should then see picture 2.
Then Press “Click now here to setup the guestbook admin…”

You should now see this screen:

Now you can log in with the default password.

Point 1: test
Point 2: 123

And press “Submit”

You should now see this screen:

Here you can modify all the setting of the guestbook.
Don’t forget to change the default administrator name and password.
Forum Index » Profile for Jam'n » Messages posted by Jam'n
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