Chi Kien Uong
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I have not made any translations, but it seems logical that:
All of the available translations are in the guestbook's lang folder. There are 2 files for each, like:
codes-english.php (Smilies And AGCodes)
english.php Copy the english.php files, rename copies to greek.php and codes-greek.php, and edit them. In the english.php file, the code is on the left and the translation on the right. Don't mess with the codes on the left or anything in the metatags.
In the codes-english.php file, I think you translate everything except the metatags and html formatting.
As a courtesy, if you successfully add a translation, you should email it to the webmaster so he can include it in the next release.
Someone verify please.
I edited the pages and the links, and the program worked fine. I think you can change whatever you want, except that you should never remove the footer with link to without the author's permission.
I used my html program to edit the pages for design, but I found it worked better to use a text editor to add additional categories. I had to manually change every ffa-page. Perhaps there is an easier way, but I don't think so.
For instance, to add the category "poetry," I had to edit the following areas on every page.
1. This adds the new category to the form:
Around line #40, find:
Insert the option for the new poetry category, in alpha order, so it now looks like:
2. This adds the category link near the top of the page:
Around line #65, find:
Insert a link for the poetry page, in alpha order, so now it looks like:
Once the above two items are inserted correctly on one page, you can just copy and paste them in the correct 2 places on all the other ffa-pages.
3. Copy the ffa-business.html page (or any other ffa-page) and name the copy ffa-poetry.html.
4. On the new ffa-poetry.html page, change the title on or about line #4 to "Poetry":
5. On the new ffa-poetry.html page, on or around line #86, change the reference to "poetry":
6. Edit the addlink.html page to include the new poetry category. Since it involves columns, you may do better by editing it in an html editor. That will make it easier to put the categories in alpha order. Otherwise, to add a new row using a text editor:
On or around line #118, find:
Include a new row or rearrange the categories in alpha order. Mine looks like this:
Note that if you change the category name, you also must change the category value:
After making changes, test to see if you can add links. Also test in admin to see that your new pages show up there and if you can remove links from those pages.
I also changed the page names, removing ffa-, in a hopes the predators wouldn't find them, but they found my pages and abused me anyway! I excluded them in my robots.txt file, renamed the pages like business.htm, made sure to include "noindex, nofollow" in robots meta tags on all pages - all to no avail. Categories like business and other received thousands of links a day - many in multiples from the same sites. Unfortunately, there are just too many predators on the internet to successfully manage a free links program like this.
1. I can't answer that.
2. You are using the textfile version now. Your data is stored in files located in the directory called polldata. For each poll question there should be 3 files based on question number. For question number one, the files are:
1 ------ poll question, date timestamps, selections, votes by selection, bar colors
1.dat - poll comments
1.ip --- visitor ip, timestamp(If no comments have been submitted, perhaps there will be no file named 1.dat - I don't know.)
With the database version, the data gets stored in database tables. Read the following post and you will see the structure of the database tables: you want to avoid typing in all of the poll questions, you would need to keep a copy of the files in the polldata directory. Then you could copy and paste the information into a .sql file and add it to the database. However, unless you have a huge number of questions to input, I think you will find it much easier to just redo them in the database version's Administration area.
If you want to try copy and paste, you should probably install the database version in its own directory (keeping the textfile version). If the textfile version is in a directory called "poll" just put the db version in another directory - maybe pollphp or something. That way, your textfile version stays intact and working while you are installing the database version.
Once the database version is installed and you can sucessfully log into the Admin area, make an .sql file of the database. In the instructions in the post below, just substitute poll for guestbook.
Guestbook MySQL database transfer: Once you have saved the .sql file, you can open it in a text editor. Upon examination, you will see the code for creating tables and inserting the data in those tables. It's a good idea to backup your database regularly. I export the .sql file at least once a week. If anything goes wrong, I can always get my data back.
You will see that the poll questions are located in the `poll_index` table. Here is the default showing there are currently three polls:
You could copy and paste your poll questions over the questions here, making sure not to delete any of the commas or semicolons. But you would need to delete the existing entries from the database table before adding these. You would also need to change the timestamps. Then you would have to paste the selections in the `poll_data`table:
If you do try to do something like this, remember that the poll's tables have already been created. So, using a copy of the .sql file you originally made, you will delete all references to creating tables. You only want to include the new dumping data in the .sql file that you run in PhpMyAdmin.
Hope this writing hasn't confused you too much. My suggestion would be to use the script's Admin panel to add your questions if you are not familiar with Php. You are far less likely to mess up.
3. I believe this involves templates. Read the posts about templates.
Changing the template:
Create a New Template:
[/list:u:8b902227d3]How to include previous poll link
Since it says check your base directory, look in the file in the cgi-bin. Is the information correct? In some cases, I must use the complete address in order for it to work, like this:
Good luck with this. After about a year, I finally got rid of mine because all the predators abuse this free service to try and make their search engine rankings higher. Even if you exclude the page from search engines they manage to find you. I think they are finding the link to at the bottom and using robots to flood your pages with their links. One solution may be to pay the author a fee to remove the link.
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent:
Check your path settings in Admin:
I believe yours should be:
URL to poll directory: /Poll
URL to image directory: /Poll/image
Noticed your directory is with a capital P. That is probably why your images aren't showing up. Also, until you get it working properly would suggest you place an empty file named index.php in your Poll/image folder or, if you have CPanel, turn off directory indexing so people can't see your file list.
Review the Sticky: Advanced Poll Tips and Help Links
Lazarus is the way to go. Also, exclude your guestbook from the search engines by adding a line to your robots.txt file.
I believe your poll database should have 9 tables:
`poll_comment`, `poll_config`, `poll_data`, `poll_index`, `poll_ip`, `poll_log`, `poll_templates`, `poll_templateset`, and `poll_user`
Access the database through PhpMyAdmin. If you have CPanel, click on the MySql databases icon. There you will see a list of all databases and all users. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link to PhpMyAdmin. Select your database in the pane on the left, and then the tables will show in the pane on the right.
Suggest you make a .sql file and examine the dumping data for each table. Search this forum for database or sql, and I believe you will find some instructions, although they were written about the guestbook. In fact, just look in the Guestbook forum. Find the sticky that says "read me before posting..." In that sticky is info about database. Just substitute poll for guestbook.
I can't offer suggestions on modifying the code.
Is include/ in the poll directory on your server? Did you add the database info as it says in the readme file?
1. Open the configuration file '' with a text editor
and set up your database settings.
$POLLDB["dbName"] = "YourDBName";
$POLLDB["host"] = "localhost";
$POLLDB["user"] = "YourUsername";
$POLLDB["pass"] = "YourPassword";
In admin, from the "jump to page" menu on the right, select the category page you want to view. It will fill in the action for you: "show". Insert your password in the appropriate box and click on "submit" to view the category you selected.
Then, to delete entries, check the radio button next to the entries. It will fill in the action for you: delete. Add your password and click on "submit" to delete the entries you selected.
You can edit the .html pages just like you would any others. I wouldn't begin to mess with the order of the links, except manually by editing the .html pages. The links added are at the bottom.
If we had a database version...
Since it says "non-existent class" it probably means that not all of the files were uploaded to your server. Check to make sure all files are there, especially those in the include directory.
Also, is your base_url set correctly?
I am not using AG anymore, so I cannot advise on the jumpmenu. I just wanted to say that using Lazarus Guestbook's gbinclude feature makes integrating with your site a breeze.
Lazarus - no jump menu required!
This post may help:
Instructions have been written several times by different people. The links to these and more help are in the sticky at the top of the support forum.
If you are talking about the database table when you say you can't browse anymore, it must mean the table is empty. You can't browse data if it doesn't exist.
When the post says you should delete your password, it didn't mean delete everything in that table, just the password. The poll_user table consists of fields for user_id, username, userpass, session and last_visit. Each field contains data. If you only delete the password (value) that is contained in the userpass field, the other data remains intact and you can still browse the table.
Let's see if I can be a little clearer:
In PhpMyAdmin, open the poll database. In the left pane, locate the "poll_user" table and click on it. In the right pane, click on "browse" in the menu at the top. You should see your user info.
Click on the pencil icon to edit that entry.
Delete the value in the "userpass" field and click on "go." (Alternatively, you could just insert the original default values shown in the code below.) Then immediately go to your poll's admin panel and log in with your username but no password. Set a new password in Admin.
If you have deleted the entire contents of the "poll_user" table but you think everything else is okay with the poll, just insert new user info. You can use the default info from the poll script, which is:
username: admin
password: poll
An easy way to add it to your database is to save the following as poll.sql:
The above assumes the table "poll_user" still exists but is empty. If the table does not exist, you will need to add instructions to create it in the poll.sql file:
Once you have created the poll.sql file, follow the instructions in item number 3 in this post to add it to the database:
Export/Import MySQL Database
More posts with instructions for backing up and restoring database. (Although they refer to the Advanced Guestbook, they are just as helpful):
Guestbook MySQL database transfer:
Where is the guestbook database?:
What a great job you did - definitely not just another poll clone. Perhaps when you find the time you could share some tips with us here or maybe even some template code.
It's hard to say for sure without access. Does your host allow the .pl extension? Some require you to change the extension to .cgi.
In the file, do you have the correct location to perl on your server?
Did you put the file in the cgi-bin directory and chmod to 755?
I have found that when using cgi scripts from, I must use the full url:
In cgi-bin/, lines 16 thru 26:
In addentry.html line 7:
If you have an available mysql database, you would do better to use the database version.
Based on the open source JForum