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Sorry, I should have said if you want to change it to something else, you would edit the language file. If you want to remove it and have nothing there, I think you would need to remove the reference to "BookMess6", which is in the templates/body.php file. line 11:
i want to remove this text !
(Thank you for stopping by my site. Here you can leave your mark.)
It is in guestbook/lang/english.php - around line 11
Is this what you are asking about?
PHPLinks is an open source project written in PHP for use with MySQL, allowing one to run an extremely efficient Link Farm with full search capabilities. A "simulated" search engine in many ways.
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I found this on Sourceforge at:
They have a lot of good php scripts.
Lloyd, I visited your page to check out your guestbook. While I was there I noticed how great your Blog looks, so I decided to try it, but I am not doing very well with this. Their help is not enough help. Do you know - Is there a forum?
Your guestbook opened pretty fast from my end. It only took 3 seconds! Perhaps you already fixed the problem? Have visitors complained? If not, I would suspect the problem might be with your computer. Are you performing regular maintenance? After doing a lot of work, the hard drive needs defragmenting, delete cookies, temp files, etc. Norton Systemworks is a good program for this stuff or Windows has a built in defrag.
My vote on the search page was not counted either. Are these codes exact copies on both pages?
I am sorry I am no help.
Never mind.
I have some web space I am giving away now, but it is at my Christian website. That's why I asked about your content. I am giving free subdomains, but if your site is not a Christian site, it must be a family site. Personal is okay, as long as it is in good taste and does not violate Christian principles.
What kind of site do you have? I might be able to help you, but it depends on your content. You can email me if you prefer.
Well, I thought I'd try this, and had no problem. What program are you using?
Thanks. Very good instructions.
I am really liking this advanced poll. I have been using it since April and have had zero problems.
Someone asked about a Phpnuke block; I can't find that message now.
I'm not sure why others want Advanced Poll in Phpnuke, since Nuke already has a survey. I wanted to separate Opinion Polls from Site Design Surveys, and I already had Advanced Poll before Nuke.
I got the block to show up, but not with the colors, so I changed to a module, and it's great. I have demo 3 in a module, so it lists all the polls. Works good, thanks to using the PhpNukeTools 3.0 Module Maker from Disipal.
awdrys wrote:Hi
The poll script is coool. But I can finde how can disabled voting for user after voting ( in all time ). After voting yesterday, today user can vote again?!
You are cool!
I'm new to this, too, but I noticed in the Administration panel, under General Settings near the bottom of the page, "Check (No Checking)/IP table" and "Locking time out". It looks like you would select "Check IP table" and then put the amount of time you want that IP address prevented from voting.
I'm a newbie, but maybe you need to set permissions on the directories /Memorial and/or /lib to 777 and see if that helps? Whenever i got these kinds of errors, I changed permissions, and things worked.